
リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Stromal reaction inhibitor and immune-checkpoint inhibitor combination therapy attenuates excluded-type colorectal cancer in a mouse model」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Stromal reaction inhibitor and immune-checkpoint inhibitor combination therapy attenuates excluded-type colorectal cancer in a mouse model

頼田 尚樹 広島大学



The discovery of immune-checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs), including the
anti-programmed cell death-1 (PD-1) antibody, dramatically advanced
immunotherapy in clinical practice [1–4]. However, the benefits of
cancer immunotherapy for colon cancer have only been observed in
cases with microsatellite instability (MSI) [5,6]. Although there have
been attempts to improve treatment efficacy through the concomitant
administration of immunotherapy and other drugs [7,8], no highly
efficacious combinations for CRC treatment have been discovered.
Tumor tissue consists of cancer cells and various stromal cells,
including immune cells [9–11]. ...



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