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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「A Morphological Study on the Relationship between Newtic1 and Factor Secretion in Erythrocytes during Adult Newt Limb Regeneration」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




A Morphological Study on the Relationship between Newtic1 and Factor Secretion in Erythrocytes during Adult Newt Limb Regeneration

CHEN XUTONG 筑波大学 DOI:10.15068/0002008001



1.1 The Japanese fire-bellied newts as a model to study the mechanism of body
parts regeneration
To varying degrees, four-limbed vertebrates (tetrapods), including humans,
generally have the ability to regenerate lost complex tissues or body parts after trauma
early in development, but as they grow and become adults, this ability is reduced or lost
and the deficient areas heal instead by being covered with fibrotic tissue (Chiba, 2014;
Durant and Whited, 2021). Contrary to this general rule, newts, which belong to a group
of the family Salamandridae in urodele amphibians, have the ability to repeatedly
regenerate lost body parts, regardless of their age, even after reaching adulthood beyond
metamorphosis (Alvarado and Tsonis, 2006; Casco-Robles et al., 2021; Eguchi et al.,
2011; Ishii et al., 2021). It is believed that this outstanding regenerative ability of adult
newts is based on a mechanism of cellular reprogramming/dedifferentiation that is
unique to newts: in adult newts, terminally differentiated somatic cells, which have
already lost premature traits such as multipotency factor expression and proliferative
activity and have become highly specialized for specific physiological functions, are
reprogrammed/dedifferentiate into stem/progenitor-like cells upon trauma.
For example, the retinal regeneration of adult urodeles is a classic model of retinal
repair/regeneration by transdifferentiation of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells
(Chiba et al., 2006; Chiba and Mitashov, 2007; Sousounis et al., 2015; Yasumuro et al.,
2017). ...



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(IgG conc.)



Rabbit anti-Newtic1 polyclonal antibody


(2.1 μg/mL)

Custom made; Merck SigmaAldrich, Tokyo, Japan

Rabbit anti-TGFβ1 polyclonal antibody


(2.0 μg/mL)

LS-B14345; LifeSpan BioSciences,

Inc., Seattle, WA, USA

Rabbit anti-RFP polyclonal antibody


(2.0 μg/mL)

600-401-379; Rockland

Immunochemicals, city, PA, USA

Rabbit anti-BMP2 polyclonal antibody


(2.0 μg/mL)

LS-B13128; LifeSpan BioSciences,

InC., Seattle, WA, USA

Rabbit anti-alpha tubulin polyclonal


Figure 2


(0.2-1.8 μg/mL)

Ab15246; abcam, Cambridge, UK

Figure 5


(0.4 μg/mL)


(2.2 μg/mL)

T6793; Merck Sigma-Aldrich,

Tokyo, Japan

Rhodamine (TRITC)-conjugated AffiniPure

goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L) polyclonal



(1.5 μg/mL)

111-025-003; Jackson

ImmunoResearch Laboratories,

West Grove, PA, USA

Alexa Fluor 488-conjugated goat anti-rabbit

IgG (H+L) polyclonal antibody


(4.0 μg/mL)

A11008; Thermo Fisher Scientific,

Tokyo, Japan

Alexa Fluor 488-conjugated AffiniPure Fab

Fragment goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L)

polyclonal antibody


(1.4 μg/mL)

111-025-003; Jackson

ImmunoResearch Laboratories,

West Grove, PA, USA

Alexa Fluor 488-conjugated goat anti-mouse

IgG (H+L)


(4.0 μg/mL)

A11001; Thermo Fisher Scientific,

Tokyo, Japan

Biotinylated goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L)

polyclonal antibody


(3.0 μg/mL)

BA-1000; Vector laboratories,

Newark, CA, USA

Goat anti-Rabbit IgG (H&L) Ultra Small


(1.2-1.6 μg/mL)

Mouse anti-acetylated tubulin monoclonal



Table 1. Antibodies for immunostaining.


800011; AURION Immuno Gold

Reagents & Accessories,

Wageningen, the Netherlands



Figure 1. Adult newt limb regeneration. (A) The Japanese fire-bellied newt, Cynops

pyrrhogaster, exhibits a remarkable ability to regrow organs/tissues, e.g., eyes, brain,

jaw, heart, limbs, and tail. This organism contributes significantly to the understanding

of mechanism of body parts regeneration. (B) Stages of adult newt limb regeneration

(from amputation to newly regenerated limb). When a limb is amputated, the stump is

covered by the wound epithelium (WE). The cells dedifferentiate at the wound site into

progenitors to form the blastema. The blastema cells will undergo proliferation,

patterning, differentiation, and growth. Eventually, a new functional limb is

regeneratedKey stages in the early regenerative process: Stage I (wound healing and

early dedifferentiation), Stage II (late dedifferentitation, moderate early bud blastema,

and early bud blastema), Stage III (medium bud blastema) (Casco-Robles et al., 2018).


Figure 2. Blood cells of C. pyrrhogaster (modified from Young et al., 2013; R. M.

Casco-Robles et al. 2018). (A) Nucleated erythrocytes at different developmental stages.

They can be divided into BpNobs, PcNobs (subdivided into early, intermediate, and late

stages), and OcNobs. During the maturation of normoblasts, they change shape from

oblate spheroid to ellipsoid and gradually increase cytoplasmic space, with nucleus

becoming more compact (Casco-Robles et al., 2018). BpNobs were immature

normoblasts, have big round polychromatic nucleus and narrow cytoplasmic space.

PcNobs had a general ellipsoidal shape, relatively compact nucleus, and larger

cytoplasmic space. PcNobs are defined as normoblasts in a transitional to mature state,

which make up more than 97.8% of normoblasts. OcNobs, mature normoblasts,

synthesize and contain hemoglobin in cytoplasm. (B) Five types of leukocytes.

Leukocytes are traditionally categorized into granulocytes (neutrophils, eosinophils,

and basophils) and mononuclear leucocytes (lymphocytes and monocytes) based on

their nuclear shape and cytoplasmic granules. (C) Thrombocyte (platelet).


Figure 3. Double staining of TGFβ1 and Newtic1. Tissue sections are labeled with

TGFβ1 primary antibody and TGFβ1 secondary antibody conjugated with Alexa

Fluor488. Subsequently, the samples are washed thoroughly, labeled with Newtic1

primary antibody and Newtic1 secondary antibody conjugated with Rhodamine. At this

step, RFP primary antibody was introduced as negative control for Newtic1 primary

antibody. The nuclei of cells are stained before mounting coverslips and imaging.


Figure 4. Immunostaining of blastemal blood cells on coverslips. (A) Preparation of

blastemal blood cells. A small slit was made on the top of the blastema using the tip of

the blade. After collection of blastemal blood, cells were plated and attached on PolyD-Lysine coated coverslips. (B) Immunostaining of blood cells on coverslips. Samples

were fixed and performed immunocytochemistry, then observed under light microscope.


Figure 5. Workflow for the preparation of semithin and ultrathin sections of Newtic1

immunolabelled blood cells. After Newtic1 immunolabelling, samples were fixed,

stained, dehydrated, and embedded in epoxy block. Semithin sections were prepared

with an ultramicrotome using a glass knife, collected on glass slides, and confirmed by

light microscopy to find Newtic1(+) PcNobs. The area containing Newtic1(+) PcNobs

was chosen to be sectioned for TEM and the block face was re-trimmed. Finally,

ultrathin sections were prepared using a diamond knife. Specimens were collected on

TEM grides, stained with heavy metal solution, and observed under TEM to identify

Newtic1(+) dots.


Figure 6. Immunofluorescence labelling of Newtic1 in blastema. (A, B) Limb blastema

at 4 weeks post amputation. The forelimb was amputated at the midpoint between the

elbow and wrist. (C) Confocal image of a blastemal section. PcNobs with Newtic1

immunofluorescence (red) along the equator, i.e., Newtic1(+) PcNobs, had

accumulated in the blastema. Blue: TO-PRO-3 nuclear stain. we: wound epidermis.

Scale bars: 5 mm (A); 2 mm (B); 100 μm (C).



Figure 7. Immunofluorescence labelling of Newtic1 in polychromatic normoblasts

(PcNobs). (A) Cells in blastemal blood. Arrowheads indicate Newtic1(+) PcNobs. (B,

C) Diagonal side view of a Newtic1(+) PcNob. Fluorescent ring along the equator was

composed of small dots with immunoreactivity. (D) Magnified view of Newtic1(+)

PcNob with a 100× objective lens. In this cell, fluorescent dots were distributed not

only just beneath the plasma membrane along the equator, but also in the cytoplasm.

This cell is a relatively young PcNob compared to typical PcNobs like that in B, because

the nucleus was roundish-oval in shape and the cytoplasmic area was still narrow. (E)

Confocal image of fluorescent dots with a 100x objective lens. Optical section: 300 nm.

Arrows indicate typical fluorescent dots with a core of 200-300 nm in diameter. (F) The

percentage of Newtic1(+) PcNobs in total normoblasts of intact blood (n=6) and

blastemal blood (n=5). Data are presented as the mean ± SE. The proportion of

Newtic1(+) PcNobs in blastemal blood was significantly higher than that in intact blood

(Welch’s t-test, p=0.02). Scale bars: 40 μm (A); 20 μm (B, C); 5 μm (D); 500 nm (E).


Figure 8. α-Tubulin and Newtic1 double stain of PcNobs in blastemal blood. (A, B) αTubulin (1:100) and Newtic1. (C, D) α-Tubulin (1:100) and RFP. RFP antibody was

used as the control. (E, F) α-Tubulin (1:1000) and Newtic1. (G, H) α-Tubulin (1:1000)

and RFP. Note that the primary antibodies used here were generated by the same host

animal, and that Newtic1 or RFP was stained after α-tubulin staining. Arrowheads

indicate PcNobs with intense α-tubulin immunofluorescence along the marginal band.

Note that the immunoreactivity of Newtic1 was not recognized in the marginal band of

PcNobs, which had low or no immunoreactivity to α-tubulin (1:1000). Scale bars: 40




Figure 9. Acetylated tubulin and Newtic1 double stain of PcNobs in blastemal blood.

(A, B) Acetylated tubulin and Newtic1. The acetylated tubulin antibody stained

microtubules of the marginal band at various intensities. Arrowheads indicate PcNobs

with Newtic1 immunoreactivity along the marginal band. (C, D) Acetylated tubulin and

RFP. RFP antibody was used as the control. (E-J) A representative set of confocal

images showing the positional relationship between microtubules and Newtic1(+) dots

in the marginal band (n=7). (E, G, I) Magnified images of the upper part of the marginal

band of the PcNob (F, H, J), where the microtubules appear to be in the process of

assembling into a bundle with each other. Newtic1(+) dots were distributed in close

proximity to microtubules. Arrows indicate Newtic1(+) dots which localized in breaks

on microtubules or in small unacetylated regions. Scale bars: 40 μm (A-D); 1 μm (E,

G, I); 10 μm (F, H, J).


Figure 10. Correlative light-electron microscopy (CLEM) of Newtic1 immunostaining.

(A) Optical microscopy image of Newtic1(+) PcNobs obtained with AURION R-Gent

SE-LM. Cells were stained with toluidine blue. The arrowhead indicates a typical

Newtic1(+) PcNob with brown dots along the equator. The cytoplasm of those cells was

characteristically transparent, possibly because of less hemoglobin. (B) Enlargement of

the cell indicated by the arrowhead in A. (C) A transmission electron microscope image

of an ultrathin section (80-90 nm thick) of the cell in B. Scale bars: 40 μm (A); 20 μm

(B, C).



Figure 11. Newtic1 immunoelectron microscopy. (A) Enlargement of the image in

Figure 10C. mito: mitochondria. Asterisks indicate artifacts in the process of sample

preparation. (B, C) Enlargement of the images in boxes b and c in A. Reactants in the

form of black granules were distributed along the microtubules of the marginal band.

The granules were localized in close proximity on microtubules. (D, E) Magnified

images of typical granules. The images were obtained from a different PcNob. The

granules were globular structures with a diameter of about 100 nm, which appeared to

be composed of black reactant grains. Scale bars: 10 μm (A); 1 μm (B); 100 nm (C-E).


Figure 12. Newtic1 immunoblotting with blastemal blood cells. (A) Sample

preparation. The proteins of blastemal blood cells were fractionated into soluble

proteins in the cytoplasm and plasma membrane (sample 1) and insoluble proteins in

the cytoskeleton (sample 2). For details, see Methods. (B) Immunoblotting. In this case,

about 30 µL blood cells were collected from 5 limb blastemas (5 newts). A protein band

corresponding to Newtic1 (40.7 kD) was detected in both sample 1 and in sample 2.

Control: primary antibody omitted. α-Tubulin: 49.8 kD. For original images of the

blotted membranes, see Figure 13.


Figure 13. Originals of Figure 12B. (A) Raw data. (B) Contrast-enhanced images of

the raw data. Protein bands in the boxes in B were shown in Figure 12B. The 10-20kD,

25-37kD, 75kD, and 100-150kD bands were caused by non-specific reactions of the

secondary antibody (Casco-Robles et al., 2018). M: maker.


Figure 14. Live cell staining of endoplasmic reticulum (ER), Golgi apparatus, and

nucleus. Under normal fluorescence microscopy, ER (red) and Golgi apparatus (green)

almost overlapped; a basophilic normoblast (BpNob) is the precursor of erythrocytes,

OcNob represents mature erythrocytes, and PcNob represents erythrocytes in the

transition phase. ER and Golgi apparatus were more developed in immature

erythrocytes and became confined to narrow regions in OcNob. Blue: nucleus stained

with Hoechst 33342. Scale bars: 20 μm (A). Note that non-specific signals may be

caused by the staining and image acquisition condition.


Figure 15. Live cell staining of organelles in PcNobs. (A) Confocal images of live

PcNobs with ER and Golgi apparatus stained. Under this condition, in which the nuclei

(n) were not well stained with Hoechst 33342, the membrane structures surrounding

the nucleus (i.e., nuclear membrane) were clearly visible with ER markers (red). By

making thin optical sections, several Golgi apparatuses (green) were discerned as

distributed at the periphery of the ER. (B) Live cell staining of a lysosome (Lyso),

mitochondria (Mito), and nucleus. Mitochondria were, like ER/Golgi, more developed

in immature erythrocytes and became confined to narrow regions in OcNob. Scale bars:

20 μm (A, B).


Figure 16. TEM images showing endomembrane system in PcNobs. (A) TEM image

of Golgi apparatuses in PcNob. (B) TEM image of membrane vesicles in PcNob.

Arrowheads indicate vesicular structures. The arrow indicates microtubules of the

marginal band. (C) Enlargement of the membrane structure indicated by c in B. An Ωshaped membrane structure of approximately 100 nm in size was observed. Scale bars:

200 nm (A, B); 100 nm (C).



Figure 17. Immunoreactivity of BMP2 and TGFβ1 of PcNobs in blood. (A-C)

Fluorescence microscopy images showing immunoreactivity of BMP2, TGFβ1, and

RFP in PcNobs in intact blood. (D-F) Fluorescence microscopy images showing

immunoreactivity of BMP2, TGFβ1, and RFP in PcNobs in blastemal blood. In intact

blood, almost all PcNobs showed immunoreactivity to BMP2 and TGFβ1, although the

intensities were variable. Both reactivities were relatively intense around the nucleus

and low at the periphery (see Figure 19). However, for TGFβ1, a small number of cells

also showed immunoreactivity along the equator (arrowheads in B). In blastemal blood,

BMP2 immunoreactivity was reduced (D). For TGFβ1, there was an increase in PcNobs

showing immunoreactivity along the equator (arrowheads in E). Some of these cells

had decreased immunoreactivity in the cytoplasm. (G) The percentage of TGFβ1(+)

PcNobs in total normoblasts of intact blood (n=3) and blastemal blood (n=4). Data are

presented as the mean ± SE. The proportion of TGFβ1(+) PcNobs in blastemal blood

was significantly higher than that in intact blood (Student’s t-test, p=0.0026). Scale bars:

50 μm (A-F).


Figure 18. Immunoreactivity of TGFβ1 along the equator of PcNobs in blastemal blood.

(A-C) A representative set of confocal images of TGFβ1 and Newtic1 double stain of




blood. Arrowheads





immunoreactivity (green) along the equator. These cells were also stained with a

secondary antibody for Newtic1 immunostaining (red). (D-I) Magnified images of the

PcNob indicated by the magenta arrowhead in A-C. (D, F, H) Magnified images of the

upper left region of the immunoreactivity along the equator of the cell shown in E, G,

and I, respectively. Blue: nuclei stained with DAPI. Scale bars: 50 μm (A-C); 1 μm (D,

F, H); 20 μm (E, G, I).



Figure 19. Expression of BMP2 and TGFβ1 in normal circulating PcNobs. (A, B) A

representative set of images of BMP2 and Newtic1 double stain. (A) Normal

fluorescence microscopy images. Almost all PcNobs had BMP2 immunoreactivity

(green) in the cytoplasm, albeit of varying intensity. Their immunoreactivity was

intense around the nucleus and decreased toward the periphery. Arrowheads indicate

Newtic1(+) PcNobs, which showed red fluorescence in a ring along the equator. In the

optics here, nuclei stained with TO-PRO-3 (TP3) were detected in red. (B) Confocal

images of a typical Newtic1(+) PcNob. There was little overlap between the

immunoreactivity of Newtic1 (red) along the equator and that of BMP2 (green) in the

cytoplasm. Blue: TO-PRO-3 nuclear stain. (C, D) A representative set of images of

TGFβ1 and Newtic1 double stain. (C) Normal fluorescence microscopy images.

Almost all PcNobs had TGFβ1 immunoreactivity (green) in the cytoplasm, albeit of

varying intensity. In most cells, their immunoreactivity was intense around the nucleus

and decreased toward the periphery, as observed with BMP2, but in a small number of

cells, immunoreactivity was also observed along the equator. White arrowheads

indicate Newtic1(+)PcNobs, whose Newtic1 immunoreactivity along the equator did

not overlap with that of TGFβ1. Magenta arrowheads indicate Newtic1(+) PcNobs, in

which TGFβ1 immunoreactivity was observed along their equator. Nuclear stain with

TP3 is shown in red. (D) Confocal images of a typical Newtic1(+) PcNob without

TGFβ1 immunoreactivity along the equator. Blue: TO-PRO-3 nuclear stain. (E) A

representative set of normal fluorescence microscopy images of RFP and Newtic1

double stain. Note that all primary antibodies used here were produced by a rabbit.

Therefore, staining with Newtic1 antibody was preceded by staining with the other

primary antibodies. Scale bars: 100 μm (A, C, E); 5 μm (B, D).



Figure 20. Expression patterns of BMP2 and TGFβ1 in PcNobs in the limb blastema.

(A-C) A representative set of confocal images of BMP2 and Newtic1 double stain.

BMP2 immunoreactivity (green) was scattered throughout the tissue. In PcNobs, which

had accumulated in the vessels extending in the blastema, BMP2 immunoreactivity was

not observed in their cytoplasm. Slight reactions appeared to be distributed along their

equator, where Newtic1 immunoreactivity (red) was seen, but this could be due to the

thick optical sections. In fact, analysis of blood cells collected from the blastema

(Figure 17D) showed no BMP2 immunoreactivity at the margins of PcNobs. (D-F) A

representative set of confocal images of TGFβ1 and Newtic1 double stain. TGFβ1

immunoreactivity (green), most of which was observed in PcNobs that had accumulated

in blood vessels, was not detected in their cytoplasm and appeared to be distributed

granularly on the equator where Newtic1 immunoreactivity (red) was seen. This pattern

of immunoreactivity, unlike that of BMP2, was also observed in blood cells collected

from the blastema (Figure 17E). (G-I) A representative set of confocal images of RFP

and Newtic1 double stain for the control. Green: RFP; Red: Newtic1; Blue: TO-PRO3 nuclear stain. Note that all primary antibodies used here were produced by a rabbit.

Therefore, staining with Newtic1 antibody was preceded by staining with the other

primary antibodies. Scale bars: 40 μm.


Figure 21. Relationship of TGFβ1 immunoreactivity to Newtic1(+) dots. (A) Confocal

images along the equator of PcNob. This cell is different from those shown in Figure

18A-C. In this cell, multiple lines of immunoreactive granules were observed just

below the equator, presumably corresponding to the lines of microtubules. The

immunoreactivity of TGFβ1 was granular and mostly overlapped with the region of

Newtic1 immunoreactivity. However, the region of Newtic1 immunoreactivity was

wider than that of TGFβ1. Note that there were also Newtic1(+) dots that did not

overlap with TGFβ1 immunoreactivity. (B) Quanti ...



