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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Evolutional transition of HBV genome during the persistent infection determined by single-molecule real-time sequencing」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Evolutional transition of HBV genome during the persistent infection determined by single-molecule real-time sequencing

Arasawa, Soichi 京都大学 DOI:10.14989/doctor.k24841



HBV is a partially double-stranded anthropotropic DNA
virus belonging to the Orthohepadnavirus genus of the
Hepadnaviridae family in the Riboviria realm.[1] HBV
has an ~3.2 kb-long open, circular genome containing
4 overlapping open reading frames. It has a unique life
history, with persistently present covalently closed
circular DNA as the genetic template, for sustained
viral replication through reverse transcription of pregenomic RNA in host cells.[2,3] As with other viruses in
Hepadnaviridae, HBV causes hepatotropic infections
in its natural hosts.[4] According to the World Health
Organization, ~296 million people were positive for
HBV in 2019. HBV is a major cause of severe health
problems such as acute hepatitis, chronic hepatitis,
liver cirrhosis, and HCC.[5]
Paleovirological studies have revealed the evolutionary
history of Hepadnaviridae in an estimated > 80 million
years since the emergence of their ancestor.[6] Gilbert and
Feschotte[7] identified a dozen endogenous duck HBV-like
sequences in the zebra finch genome using a BLASTbased genomic analysis. Presence/absence analyses
performed by Suh et al[9] revealed that the long-term
substitution rate of Hepadnaviridae between the Mesozoic
and Miocene periods was in the order of 10–8 per site per
year, which is ~10–3 times slower than the short-time
substitution rate of human HBV in several decades.[8] Suh
et al[9] also reported that the amino-acid sequences of
extant Hepadnaviridae genomes are highly conserved in
several regions, such as the reverse transcriptase, S, C,
terminal protein (TP), and ribonuclease H (RNaseH)
regions, at a rate of 12.2%–27.1%, as compared with
the hypothetical ancestral sequence in the Mesozoic era.
In terms of genomic size, previous studies using
conventional methods such as Southern blot, PCRbased electrophoresis, and direct sequencing have
revealed the presence of both interspecific and
intraspecific variation among Hepadnaviridae viruses. ...



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How to cite this article: Arasawa S, Takeda H,

Takai A, Iguchi E, Eso Y, Shimizu T, et al.

Evolutional transition of HBV genome during the

persistent infection determined by single-molecule real-time sequencing. Hepatol Commun.

2023;7:e0047. https://doi.org/10.1097/HC9.000





