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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Whole-genome sequence and genesis of an avian influenza virus H5N1 isolated from a healthy chicken in a live bird market in Indonesia: accumulation of mammalian adaptation markers in avian hosts」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Whole-genome sequence and genesis of an avian influenza virus H5N1 isolated from a healthy chicken in a live bird market in Indonesia: accumulation of mammalian adaptation markers in avian hosts

Rehman, Saifur Prasetya, Rima Ratnanggana Rahardjo, Krisnoadi Effendi, Mustofa Helmi Rantam, Fedik Abdul Rahmahani, Jola Witaningrum, Adiana Mutamsari Nastri, Aldise Mareta Dewantari, Jezzy Renova Mori, Yasuko Shimizu, Kazufumi 神戸大学



Background Influenza A viruses are a major pathogen that causes significant clinical and economic harm to many animals. In Indonesia, the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 virus has been endemic in poultry since 2003 and has caused sporadic deadly infections in humans. The genetic bases that determine host range have not yet been fully elucidated. We analyzed the whole-genome sequence of a recent H5 isolate to reveal the evolution toward its mammalian adaptation. Methods We determined the whole-genome sequence of A/chicken/East Java/Av1955/2022 (hereafter, “Av1955”) from a healthy chicken in April 2022 and conducted phylogenetic and mutational analysis. Results Phylogenetic analysis revealed that Av1955 belonged to the H5N1 clade (Eurasian lineage). The six gene segments (PB1, PB2, HA, NP, NA, and NS) out of the eight segments derived from viruses of H5N1 Eurasian lineage, one (PB2) from the H3N6 subtype and the remaining one (M) from the H5N1 clade (Indonesian lineage). The donor of the PB2 segment was a reassortant among three viruses of H5N1 Eurasian and Indonesian lineages and the H3N6 subtype. The HA amino acid sequence contained multiple basic amino acids at the cleavage site. Mutation analysis revealed that Av1955 possessed the maximal number of mammalian adaptation marker mutations. Conclusions Av1955 was a virus of H5N1 Eurasian lineage. The HA protein contains an HPAI H5N1-type cleavage site sequence, while the virus was isolated from a healthy chicken suggesting its low pathogenicity nature. The virus has increased mammalian adaptation markers by mutation and intra- and inter-subtype reassortment, gathering gene segments possessing the most abundant maker mutations among previously circulating viruses. The increasing mammalian adaptation mutation in avian hosts suggests that they might be adaptive to infection in mammalian and avian hosts. It highlights the importance of genomic surveillance and adequate control measures for H5N1 infection in live poultry markets.



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