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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「The structural and functional properties of the human visual pathway」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




The structural and functional properties of the human visual pathway

大石, 浩輝 大阪大学



Our visual perception is based on the process in the visual pathway. For the last decades, many neuroimaging studies using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have elucidated the functional organization of the human visual pathway and its relationship to visual perception. Because the anatomical structure of the human visual pathway has been mostly studied in the postmortem human brain, little is known about how the anatomical structure relates to functional organization and visual perception. The reason is it is only recently that the non-invasive quantitative structure imaging of living human brains has become available.

This dissertation includes two studies, which quantified the structure of the human visual pathway, primarily using a macromolecular tissue volume (MTV) mapping. MTV is a recently proposed quantitative structural MRI method, which is sensitive to a fraction of non-water macromolecules.

In the first study, I attempted to non-invasively identify subdivisions of the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), a key thalamic nucleus that receives projections from retinal neurons and in turn projects to the cortex. The LGN is composed of two main subdivisions, magnocellular and parvocellular subdivisions. The non-invasive identification of these subdivisions has been difficult because the in vivo structural neuroimaging method for quantifying the properties of LGN subdivisions has not yet been established. Here, I measured MTV in the living human brain and found the gradual MTV changes within LGN, which enabled us to identify the LGN subdivisions. An fMRI experiment further revealed that the subdivisions showed different sensitivities to visual stimuli. This study provides a novel method for non-invasively investigating the structural properties of LGN subdivisions in living human brains, which can be combined with functional or behavioral experiments.

In the second study, I investigated the neuroanatomical basis of individual differences in stereopsis, one of the fundamental visual functions. There are huge inter-individual differences in the ability to discriminate depth from binocular disparity (stereoacuity). Here, I investigated the neuroanatomical basis of the inter-individual differences in stereoacuity. Based on the previous studies showing that several areas in both dorsal and ventral visual pathways are involved in stereopsis, I hypothesized that the white matter tract connecting those areas is the crucial anatomical substrate for stereopsis. I investigated how the human stereoacuity relates to white matter properties by combining psychophysics, diffusion MRI and MTV. As a result, I found that the MTV along the right vertical occipital fasciculus (VOF), a major tract connecting dorsal and ventral visual areas, was highly correlated with stereoacuity. By fMRI experiment, I further found that binocular disparity stimuli activated the dorsal and ventral visual regions near VOF endpoints. These results suggest that stereo perception is associated with dorso-ventral communication through the VOF.

These two studies have provided an important foundation for future studies that investigate the relationship between perception, function and structure in the human visual pathway.


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