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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Neural basis of correct and inverted judgments in a crossed-hands tactile temporal order judgment task」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Neural basis of correct and inverted judgments in a crossed-hands tactile temporal order judgment task

Moharramipour, Ali 大阪大学 DOI:10.18910/88182



If we are asked to judge the temporal order of two successive tactile stimuli delivered to each hand, we often make inverted judgments when we cross our hands. This phenomenon, termed the crossing effect, indicates that our brain utilizes not only the somatosensory information but the posture-related spatial information in the perception of touch and its temporal order. In the present thesis, I examined the neural basis associated with the crossing of the hands and making an inverted judgment.

I first paid attention to the fact that the degree of reversal (i.e., making inverted judgments due to the crossing of the hands) varies significantly across individuals. The brain regions responsible for the inter-individual variability should play a major role in the crossing effect. I then turned to the intra-individual variability. Each individual makes inverted judgments in some of the trials and not the others. To study the trial-by-trial variability, I examined the time-frequency dynamics of the interactions between those regions associated with the crossing effect.

In the first part, by analyzing the structural MRI image of different individuals, I discovered that the participants with a thinner, larger, and more convoluted cerebral cortex in ten anatomical regions, including the right pars-orbitalis, right and left postcentral gyri, left precuneus, left superior parietal lobule, right middle temporal gyrus, left superior temporal gyrus, right cuneus, left supramarginal gyrus, and right rostral middle frontal gyrus had a smaller degree of reversal. I hypothesize that a better cortical elaboration (development) in those ten regions should contribute to better integrating the somatosensory and spatial postural information and a superior top-down inhibitory control.

In the second part, I analyzed magnetoencephalographic data to derive the dynamic network connectivity across the regions found in the first part. I discovered that there were two distinct modes in the brain network connectivity, one in the low alpha band (5~10 Hz) and the other in the low beta band (12~18 Hz). When the hands were uncrossed, the brain mainly utilized the low alpha mode, and the low alpha connectivity was dominated by one of the hemispheres contralateral to the hand being stimulated first. On the contrary, when the hands were crossed, the low beta mode was profoundly recruited as well, and the connectivity involved both hemispheres. Most importantly, the low beta mode connectivity was less recruited in the trials with inverted judgments and the participants with a larger degree of judgment reversal.

The present study suggests that the brain network involving the ten brain regions is responsible for ordering the tactile signals represented in both somatotopic and spatial coordinates. Furthermore, the network utilizes the low alpha band by default, but the low alpha mode yields inverted judgments when the hands are crossed. The recruitment of the low beta mode is a major contributor to making a correct judgment.



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