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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Spin and charge transport properties in magnetic materials with lowered symmetry」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Spin and charge transport properties in magnetic materials with lowered symmetry

Chen Yao 東北大学



The aim of this dissertation is to investigate the transport phenomena of spin and charge excitation in low-symmetry magnetic structures. The first and second parts of this disser- tation investigate the transport of two types of excitations, triplon and superconducting vortex, in one-dimensional magnetic structures.

In the first part (Chapter 3), we report the discovery of triplon spin current, carried by soliton excitations in the spin-Peierls material CuGeO3 with a one-dimensional spin chain. Low-dimensional magnets are known to have exotic magnetic orders different from three- dimensional ones due to their dimensionality. Spin current transport of spin excitations (spinon) in spin liquids without long-range correlations is reported in 2016[1], but there are still few studies done in terms of spin current in Low-dimensional magnets. In this study, we investigate the spin current transport properties of solitons in spin-Peierls-ordered CuGeO3. It is found that the spin current is significantly different from the magnon spin current in three-dimensional magnets. This result is expected to extend spintronics to a broader category of dimer-ordered magnets.

The second part (Chapter 4) is a search for the transport phenomena of superconducting vortices in a one-dimensional magnetic domain. Superconducting vortices are topological excitations in second type superconductors and are topologically protected and therefore not dissipated in the sample. The application of spintronics using vortices, which also carry angular momentum, has recently been reported. For example, long-range spin current trans- port is investigated using vortex flow[2]. To regulate the flow of the vortices, the transport of the vortices in one-dimensional magnetic domains is investigated in this dissertation.

In this introductory chapter, I will first review recent developments in spintronics from a fundamental perspective. After that, I will introduce one-dimensional magnets and explain solitons, which are topological excitations in them.



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