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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Study on Accessory Gene Regulator(AGR)Variants in Staphylococcus aureus」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Study on Accessory Gene Regulator(AGR)Variants in Staphylococcus aureus

VISHAL, SAMIR GOR 筑波大学 DOI:10.15068/0002000890



Purpose: Staphylococcus aureus is an opportunistic pathogen that creates a heavy economic and healthcare burden for humans. S. aureus is able to expertly establish infection in a variety of host environmental niches, and this ability is largely due to its impressive array of virulence factors that give it an edge for survival in any environment. The expression of these virulence factors must be finely controlled, and this is largely achieved by the central virulence regulatory network called the Accessory Gene Regulator (AGR) system. However, there are numerous reports of S. aureus clinical isolates that have a dysfunctional mutated Agr system. These mutants have a disadvantage in disseminating from the host and have thus been referred to as ‘dead-end’ mutants. Interestingly, previous reports have documented Agr-mutations that are reminiscent of Phase Variation, which is a bacterial mechanism of reversible gene expression. Thus, this study hypothesised that a fraction of Agr negative mutants may be phase variants that can repair and revert their Agr activity.

Methods: Potential Agr revertant strains were selected for by subjecting Agr negative variants to successive liquid cultures before plating on Sheep Blood Agar (SBA) and screening for haemolytic colonies. The Agr status of haemolytic colonies was confirmed by a modified CAMP test and by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Phenotypic Agr revertant strains then had their Agr locus sequenced to identify any mutational mechanisms. A fluorescent reporter construct was used to monitor Agr activity in populations growing in planktonic and solid structured media. The reporter was also used to monitor Agr activity upon phagocytosis.

Results: Agr revertant strains were generated from two laboratory strains (MW2 and s0437) as well as two clinical strains (66r and 3082). Two underlying genetic Phase Variation mechanisms responsible for the phenotypic reversion were identified amongst MW2, s0437, and 66r. These were a duplication and inversion event as well as a ploy(A) tract alteration. The revertant strains did not activate their Agr system in planktonic culture but did when grown on solid media or when phagocytosed by macrophages.

Discussion: Agr negative clinical isolates have long been dismissed as having no evolutionary future. However, this thesis demonstrates that a fraction of Agr negative strains are Phase Variants that can selectively revert their Agr activity, recovering all phenotypes lost upon Agr dysfunction. Agr reversion in discrete local microenvironments upon growth on solid structured media could be important for the proper development of S. aureus biofilms, as separate works have shown that Agr- controlled exoproteins are known to be important in 3-dimensional biofilm structuring. Additionally, the ability of revertant cells to activate their Agr system upon phagocytosis could enable them to survive immune attack and could allow them to use host immune cells as trojan horses to disseminate to other sites of the body. Although we were unable to describe the prevalence of Agr phase variants in the clinical setting, we did identify a number of strains that could revert their haemolytic phenotype independently of Agr function. The mechanism of this reversion is yet to be elucidated.

Conclusion: Taken together, we propose a model whereby Agr Phase Variation acts as a predictive adaptation mechanism to insure against host-mediated immune stress. This thesis adds another layer to the complexity of S. aureus’ lifestyle and takes us a step further in our understanding of this important pathogen.



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