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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Data-driven identification and classification of nonlinear aging patterns reveals the landscape of associations between DNA methylation and aging」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Data-driven identification and classification of nonlinear aging patterns reveals the landscape of associations between DNA methylation and aging

Okada, Daigo Cheng, Jian Hao Zheng, Cheng Kumaki, Tatsuro Yamada, Ryo 京都大学 DOI:10.1186/s40246-023-00453-z



[Background] Aging affects the incidence of diseases such as cancer and dementia, so the development of biomarkers for aging is an important research topic in medical science. While such biomarkers have been mainly identified based on the assumption of a linear relationship between phenotypic parameters, including molecular markers, and chronological age, numerous nonlinear changes between markers and aging have been identified. However, the overall landscape of the patterns in nonlinear changes that exist in aging is unknown.

[Result] We propose a novel computational method, Data-driven Identification and Classification of Nonlinear Aging Patterns (DICNAP), that is based on functional data analysis to identify biomarkers for aging and potential patterns of change during aging in a data-driven manner. We applied the proposed method to large-scale, public DNA methylation data to explore the potential patterns of age-related changes in methylation intensity. The results showed that not only linear, but also nonlinear changes in DNA methylation patterns exist. A monotonous demethylation pattern during aging, with its rate decreasing at around age 60, was identified as the candidate stable nonlinear pattern. We also analyzed the age-related changes in methylation variability. The results showed that the variability of methylation intensity tends to increase with age at age-associated sites. The representative variability pattern is a monotonically increasing pattern that accelerates after middle age.

[Conclusion] DICNAP was able to identify the potential patterns of the changes in the landscape of DNA methylation during aging. It contributes to an improvement in our theoretical understanding of the aging process.



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