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KIM, SURO 神戸大学



In this thesis, we propose a novel method for probing spins of new heavy particles from cos- mological observations. Within the so-called cosmological collider program, imprints of new particles on primordial non-Gaussianities have been studied intensively. In particular, their non-analytic features in the soft limit provide a smoking gun for new particles at the inflation scale. While this approach is powerful to probe particles of the mass near the Hubble scale, the signal is exponentially suppressed for heavy particles. The main purpose of this thesis is to explore a new approach to probing spins of heavy particles from signs of Wilson coefficients of the inflaton effective action and the corresponding primordial non-Gaussianities. The positivity bound is a well-known consequence of unitarity and analyticity of scattering amplitudes, which states that some of effective interactions of inlaton is universally positive. We find that the sign of effective interactions which are not constrained by the positivity bound depends on the spins of intermediate heavy particles, hence the sign can be used to probe spins of heavy particles generating the effective operator. We also study cosmological applications.


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