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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Respiratory complex I in mitochondrial membrane catalyzes oversized ubiquinones」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Respiratory complex I in mitochondrial membrane catalyzes oversized ubiquinones

Ikunishi, Ryo Otani, Ryohei Masuya, Takahiro Shinzawa-Itoh, Kyoko Shiba, Tomoo Murai, Masatoshi Miyoshi, Hideto 京都大学 DOI:10.1016/j.jbc.2023.105001



NADH-ubiquinone (UQ) oxidoreductase (complex I) couples electron transfer from NADH to UQ with proton translocation in its membrane part. The UQ reduction step is key to triggering proton translocation. Structural studies have identified a long, narrow, tunnel-like cavity within complex I, through which UQ may access a deep reaction site. To elucidate the physiological relevance of this UQ-accessing tunnel, we previously investigated whether a series of oversized UQs (OS-UQs), whose tail moiety is too large to enter and transit the narrow tunnel, can be catalytically reduced by complex I using the native enzyme in bovine heart submitochondrial particles (SMPs) and the isolated enzyme reconstituted into liposomes. Nevertheless, the physiological relevance remained unclear because some amphiphilic OS-UQs were reduced in SMPs but not in proteoliposomes, and investigation of extremely hydrophobic OS-UQs was not possible in SMPs. To uniformly assess the electron transfer activities of all OS-UQs with the native complex I, here we present a new assay system using SMPs, which were fused with liposomes incorporating OS-UQ and supplemented with a parasitic quinol oxidase to recycle reduced OS-UQ. In this system, all OS-UQs tested were reduced by the native enzyme, and the reduction was coupled with proton translocation. This finding does not support the canonical tunnel model. We propose that the UQ reaction cavity is flexibly open in the native enzyme to allow OS-UQs to access the reaction site, but their access is obstructed in the isolated enzyme as the cavity is altered by detergent-solubilizing from the mitochondrial membrane.



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Ryo Ikunishi is currently a researcher in the Production Technology Department of Mitsui Chemical Crop & Life Solutions

(Japan) after he completed the Applied Life Science Program at the Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University. His

research focuses on how oversized ubiquinones are catalytically reduced by mitochondrial respiratory complex I, and also

contributes to a better understanding of molecular mechanisms of the inhibitory actions of varying inhibitors in the enzyme.

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