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A study of interjoint coordination during locomotion after spinal cord injury (本文)

佐藤, 裕太 慶應義塾大学



Understanding locomotor responses after neurological lesions is fundamental to explore the essence of flexible adaptation of the nervous system and to develop innovative neurological rehabilitation. In particular, spinal cord injury (SCI) is an important research target for this understanding in terms of the disruption of communication between supraspinal centers and spinal circuit. The central nervous system (CNS) controls numerous muscles and joints using common motor commands and produces coordinated joint movement. However, no evaluation measure that focuses on coordinated movement has been tested so far. In clinical environment, a clinician determines the affected segments of the spinal cord by an examination of myotomes (International Standards for Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury; ISNCSCI) (Kirshblum et al., 2011), that is, key muscle function strength corresponding to each segment (but not coordination of movement) is just simply examined (Table 1-1). On the other hand, several kinematic studies have investigated the relationship between changes in superficial parameters such as stride length and joint angles during locomotion and neuropathology of the spinal cord in animal model; however, little is known about altered coordinated movement that underlies the generation of such gait parameters. Therefore, the author investigated the gait disturbance that occurs after SCI from the perspective of CNS as a gait controller. In this chapter, the author first summarizes how the CNS controls the redundant musculoskeletal systems during locomotion, then how locomotor output patterns are affected by CNS lesions. The purpose of the present dissertation was also described. In the following Chapter 2, the author investigated the differences in locomotor output patterns from CNS in mice with varying degrees of injury to obtain proof of the analysis. In order to verify whether the analysis method is adaptable to humans in the future, Chapter 3 describes the plastic change of locomotor output patterns after SCI in non-human primates, common marmosets. The overall conclusion and future prospect of the present study are mentioned in Chapter 4.



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