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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Optimal conditions for graft survival and reinnervation of denervated muscles after embryonic motoneuron transplantation into peripheral nerves undergoing Wallerian degeneration」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Optimal conditions for graft survival and reinnervation of denervated muscles after embryonic motoneuron transplantation into peripheral nerves undergoing Wallerian degeneration

Sawada, Hideyoshi Kurimoto, Shigeru Tokutake, Katsuhiro Saeki, Sota Hirata, Hitoshi 名古屋大学



Motoneuron transplantation into peripheral nerves undergoing Wallerian degeneration may have applications in treating diseases causing muscle paralysis. We investigated whether functional reinnervation of denervated muscle could be achieved by early or delayed transplantation after denervation. Adult rats were assigned to six groups with increasing denervation periods (0, 1, 4, 8, 12, and 24 weeks) before inoculation with culture medium containing (transplantation group) or lacking (surgical control group) dissociated embryonic motoneurons into the peroneal nerve. Electrophysiological and tissue analyses were performed 3 months after transplantation. Reinnervation of denervated muscles significantly increased relative muscle weight in the transplantation group compared with the surgical control group for denervation periods of 1 week (0.042% ± 0.0031% versus 0.032% ± 0.0020%, respectively; p = 0.009), 4 weeks (0.044% ± 0.0069% versus 0.026% ± 0.0045%, respectively; p = 0.0023), and 8 weeks (0.044% ± 0.0029% versus 0.026% ± 0.0008%, respectively; p = 0.0023). The ratios of reinnervated muscle contractile forces to naïve muscle in the 0-, 1-, 4-, 8-, and 12-week transplantation groups were 3.79%, 18.99%, 8.05%, 6.30%, and 5.80%, respectively, indicating that these forces were sufficient for walking. The optimal implantation time for transplantation of motoneurons into the peripheral nerve was 1 week after nerve transection. However, the neurons transplanted 24 weeks after denervation survived and regenerated axons. These results indicated that there is time for preparing cells for transplantation in regenerative medicine and suggested that our method may be useful for paralysed muscles that are not expected to recover with current treatment.


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