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グライフ, ズリタ, セバスティアン, エリアス ZURITA SEBASTIÁN ELÍAS, GRAIFF 九州大学



The process of fairing or fitting of a curve is widely used in industrial design and architecture. It is a process that helps to construct and create new objects. In this thesis, with reverse engineering applications in mind, we provide methods to characterize a given curve by two kind of curves: the Euler's elastica and the log-aesthetic curve.

In a first part, we provide tools to approximate a given discrete planar curve to an integrable discrete analogue of the Euler's elastica. In doing this, we review the properties and results of the discrete Euler's elastica proposed by A. I. Bobenko and Y. B. Suris, and we use an explicit solution in terms of the Jacobi elliptic functions to construct an algorithmic method to fair a general discrete planar segment.

In a second part, we present an algorithm to fair a given planar curve by a log-aesthetic curve, which is anchor in the result that a general log-aesthetic curve segment can be recovered by applying similarity transformation to a base case.

Finally, we use our findings in two concrete applications. We characterize the profile keylines of Japanese handmade pantiles by using the integrable discrete analogue of the Euler's elasticae, and we characterize some simple profile lines of a car's roof by log-aesthetic curves.



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