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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Criteria for the existence of a plane model with two Galois points for algebraic curves」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Criteria for the existence of a plane model with two Galois points for algebraic curves

Higashine Kazuki 山形大学



Let k be an algebraically closed field of characteristic p ≥ 0. We fix
k as the ground field of our discussion in this dissertation. In 1996, Hisao
Yoshihara introduced the notion of Galois points in algebraic geometry. Let
C be an irreducible (possibly singular) plane (algebraic) curve over k. We
consider the projection
πP : C 99K P1 ; Q 7→ P Q
with the center P ∈ P2 , where P Q represents the line passing through points
P , Q ∈ P2 if P ̸= Q. If the field extension k(C)/πP∗ k(P1 ) of function fields
induced by πP is Galois, then P is called a Galois point for C (see [9, 41, 47]).
Assume that P is a Galois point. If P is a smooth point of C (resp. a singular
point of C, a point contained in C, a point not contained in C), then P is
called a smooth Galois point (resp. a non-smooth Galois point, an inner
Galois point, an outer Galois point), after [39, 40, 45]. The associated Galois
GP = Gal(k(C)/πP∗ k(P1 ))
is called a Galois group at P .
In the theory of Galois points, plane curves with two or more Galois points
are important. In 2013, with the contribution of four researchers Yoshihara,
Kei Miura, Masaaki Homma, and Satoru Fukasawa, a complete classification
of smooth plane curves with two or more Galois points was obtained ([41,
47, 36, 6, 8, 7, 10, 15, 12]). A classification of plane curves with infinitely
many inner Galois points was obtained by Fukasawa and Takehiro Hasegawa
[21]. ...


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