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Studies on supply potential and annual availability of timber and forest biomass resources for energy generation in Japan and Mongolia

Battuvshin, Biligt 東京農工大学



This study investigated the supply potential and annual availability of timber and forest biomass resources for energy generation in Japan and Mongolia.

A review on availability estimation and supply chain of timber and forest biomass resources for energy focusing on differences and similarities between developed and developing countries was conducted in Chapter 2. Developing countries often lack the advanced technologies and machinery necessary for forest operations, as a result forest biomass is mainly used as firewood. On the other hand, developed countries use biomass on a relatively larger scale, such as in District Heating System, and plants for combined heat and electricity generation. Since forest management and biomass supply chain can vary from country to country, we conducted this study, including Japan and Mongolia as representatives of developed and developing countries, in the world.

Chapters 3 and 4 describe the current situation of energy and forest resources in Japan and Mongolia. The coal resource abundance of Mongolia makes the country’s energy supply 70% dependent on coal. As a result, Mongolia is facing a severe problem of air pollution caused by excessive coal usage. Thus, it is crucial for Mongolia to switch to cleaner and sustainable energy sources. Japan depends on imports of oil, coal, and natural gas to meet the majority of its energy needs. The country’s energy self-sufficiency rate was only 8.3% in 2016. To secure a stable supply of energy, alternatives to fossil fuels, such as renewable energy sources, including the sun, wind, water, geothermal heat, and biomass, need to be developed.

In Chapter 5, the supply potential and annual availability of timber and forest biomass resources under profitable forest management in Japan were estimated. It focuses on four prefectures, namely, Fukushima, Ibaraki, Tochigi, and Gunma, and considers the trade between these prefectures. Production forests were extracted as subcompartments where the expected revenues surpassed all costs, from planting to final harvest. To estimate harvesting costs, appropriate harvesting systems were determined according to each prefecture’s topographical features. The log markets and woody biomass power generation plants were assumed to be the destinations for timber and forest biomass resources. Annual availability from the Cut-To-Length (CTL) system, consisting of the use of harvesters and forwarders, accounted for 58 % of the total availability, even though the supply potential from CTL was only 15 %; this is because CTL is the most productive and least expensive harvesting system. Then, the effects of subsidies on availability are examined. Availability under an additional regeneration subsidy meets almost the entire current demand in this region. Furthermore, availability with a thinning subsidy can meet the forecasted future demand in this region, while availability with both thinning and additional regeneration subsidies can meet future demand in all prefectures analyzed in the present study. Thus, subsidies play an essential role in the profitability of forestry operations as well as the supply of timber and forest biomass resources in Japan.

Furthermore, the technoeconomic availability of three types of dead trees, namely commercially fallen, normally fallen, and standing, in Mongolian subgroups were investigated in Chapter 6. For dead trees of three major Mongolian tree species (Siberian larch, Scotch pine, and White birch), lumber, firewood, and unused material as sources of energy were quantified and operational costs (marking, felling, skidding, transporting, loading/unloading, processing, and stumpage prices) were estimated. As a result, most Mongolian subgroups were profitable and suitable for the harvest of unused materials. Moreover, unused materials of dead trees can substitute nearly 5.45 million tons of coal, although it is not sufficient to meet the 0.6 years of coal demand across Mongolia. However, in some places, unused dead wood materials can completely substitute coal for decades. Therefore, although the heat utilization of woody biomass is not suitable for Mongolia as a whole, it is feasible in specific regions where forest resources are abundant, such as some Mongolian sub-provinces. Promoting the use of dead trees can reduce the risk of damage caused by wildfires and pests, which are severe problems in Mongolia, and keep the forests healthy. Furthermore, unused materials can generate new income opportunities, and the forest land can be well prepared by removing dead trees to promote planting for sustainable forest management. Finally, dead trees can be used as a resource until the transition to sustainable forests with living trees.

In Chapter 7, the conclusion of the present study in relation to establishing sustainable industry in Japan and Mongolia by using woody biomass was described. The results obtained in the present study can contribute to the effective utilization of forest resources under sustainable forest management in Japan and Mongolia to mitigate climate change through the use of woody biomass.



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