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Roles of Energy Production Pathways in Sperm Motility Regulation in Chickens

セティアワン, ランガ SETIAWAN, RANGGA 筑波大学



Sperm require exogenous signalling and energy substrates to regulate fertilization competence. Despite of extreme importance of glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation for ATP generation in sperm, a primary mechanism of ATP-generating pathways is species-specific, leaving characteristics of energy management pathways unclear in birds. This study demonstrates how chicken sperm utilize exogenous metabolic substrates to generate ATP production and support sperm motility and fertility.

As described in chapter II, this study characterized expression and localization of several transporter proteins including plasma membrane calcium ATPase isoform 2 and 4 (PMCA2 and PMCA4), and glucose transporter 1 (GLUT1). Detection of these proteins localizing to later spermatids in testis and the midpiece along with sperm flagellum, suggesting these proteins are expressed at late spermiogenesis and play a role in sperm flagellar motility.

As described in chapter III, this study reveals the functional importance of GLUT1 in chicken sperm motility. Of note, female reproductive tract fluids in chicken contain a high concentration of glucose, suggesting the importance of glucose for sperm motility during their traverse in the female reproductive tract. However, the glucose metabolic pathways are poorly characterized in chicken sperm. Using specific antibodies and ligand, localization experiments found that GLUT1 was specifically localized to the midpiece. Sperm motility analysis showed that glucose supported sperm flagellar movements during incubation up to 80 min. However, this was abolished by the addition of a GLUT1 inhibitor, concomitant with a substantial decrease in glucose uptake and ATP production, followed by elevated mitochondrial activity in response to glucose addition. More potent inhibition of ATP production and mitochondrial activity was observed in response to treatment with GLUT inhibitor and uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation. Because mitochondrial inhibition only reduced a subset of sperm movements, we investigated the localization of the glycolytic pathway and showed GAPDH and hexokinase I at the midpiece and principal piece of the spermatozoa. Together, GLUT1 is specifically localized to the midpiece and plays the main role in glucose uptake to generate ATP production for flagellar motility of chicken sperm.

Chapter IV reveals the primary mechanism of ATP -generating pathways for regulation of sperm function. Sperm provide metabolic energy via glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation to support sperm motility and penetrability. Although oxidative phosphorylation is considered to be efficient in ATP production, the utilization of ATP for specific sperm function varies among species. Therefore, this study was carried out to reveal the roles of ATP glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation on sperm motility and penetrability. Sperm motility analysis showed that the addition of either glucose or pyruvate alone, or their combination enhanced sperm movement characteristics. The increasing effects of these metabolic substrates were also found on sperm penetrability, with more potent increase under glucose addition. However, the inhibition of glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation abolished the increasing effects, with dramatic decrease in the inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation. Similar changes were observed in ATP content. Although the oxidative phosphorylation pathway important in ATP production, is associated with reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, the addition of glucose or pyruvate did not increase ROS level. Instead, the addition of the metabolic substrates appeared to change intracellular pH (pHi) associated with sperm flagellar activity. Since pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) is a semi-intermediate and parallel pathway to glycolysis, we investigated a possession of the pathway in sperm by immunodetection of G6PD, a unique enzyme in PPP, demonstrating its absence in chicken sperm. Our results provide strong evidence that sperm motility and penetrability rely on ATP generated from both glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation, with a high dependency on glucose.

In conclusion, chicken sperm generate ATP via glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation by glucose uptake via GLUT1, which results in supporting sperm motility and penetrability. These results reveal new insights into the mechanisms involved in ATP production pathways as well as regulation of sperm fertilization ability and contribute to the development of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) in birds.


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