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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Paleogeography of the Northwestern Panthalassa Ocean Restored from the Chichibu–Mikabu Accretionary Complex, the Kanto Mountains, Central Japan」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Paleogeography of the Northwestern Panthalassa Ocean Restored from the Chichibu–Mikabu Accretionary Complex, the Kanto Mountains, Central Japan

冨永,紘平 筑波大学 DOI:10.15068/0002000431



Paleogeography of seamounts and oceanic plateaus in the Paleozoic to Mesozoic Panthalassa Ocean is reconstructed from ocean plate stratigraphy of the Chichibu–Mikabu accretionary complex. The Early Jurassic Hebiki, the Early Jurassic Sumaizuku, the Middle Jurassic Kamiyoshida, and the Early Cretaceous Kashiwagi units in the Northern Chichibu accretionary complex, the Early Cretaceous Gozenyama (Sambosan) Unit in the Southern Chichibu accretionary complex, and the Mikabu Unit (Mikabu Greenstones) in the Sambagawa Belt are investigated from view point of limestone facies and basalt geochemistry in this study. Particularly, the Kano-yama limestone in the Hebiki Unit contains the latest Carboniferous algal mounds, which provide a paleobiogeographic insight into reef-building organisms of atoll carbonates in the late Paleozoic Panthalassa Ocean. Furthermore, the Mikabu Unit contains igneous rocks derived from a large igneous province (LIP) activity.

The Carboniferous–Permian Kano-yama limestone contains algal mounds composed of reef- building biota such as Palaeoaplysina, Anthracoporella, and other calcimicrobes in its Gzhelian (latest Carboniferous) section. The previous study of the Akiyoshi–Taishaku limestone in the Permian Akiyoshi accretionary complex proved that Palaeoaplysina migrated to the sub- tropical region from the northwest Pangea region because of the Gondwana glaciation. Based on the difference of accretionary ages of the Kano-yama limestone in the Jurassic accretionary complex and the Akiyoshi–Taishaku limestone in the Permian accretionary complex, and reconstructed velocity of plate motion, the occurrence of Palaeoaplysina in the Kano-yama limestone suggests that this algal genus was extended over 5,000 km in the Panthalassa Ocean.

The origin of basaltic rocks in the Kashiwagi, the Gozenyama, and the Mikabu units are estimated by the bulk-rock geochemistry to reveal LIP activities in the Mesozoic. The Kashiwagi Unit contains ocean island basalt (OIB) and oceanic plateau basalt, which is characterized by the depletion of incompatible element and high (Gd/Yb)n ratio. Basalt in the Gozenyama Unit is similar to that of OIB. Basalt in the Mikabu Unit shows characteristics of oceanic plateau basalt. The zircon U–Pb age of anorthosite in the Mikabu Unit is determined to 157 Ma, which is confirmed to represent eruptive age of igneous rocks in the Mikabu Unit by chemical composition of anorthosite.

Accretionary age of the Kashiwagi and the Gozenyama units are precisely constrained by detrital zircon U–Pb age determination of coarse grained clastic rocks such as sandstone. As a result, the youngest single grain ages of sandstone in the Kashiwaig Unit are determined as 127 Ma and 125 Ma. In contrast, 100 Ma and 102 Ma of youngest single grain ages are obtained from sandstone in the Gozenyama Unit. Combined with 117 Ma and 110 Ma of K–Ar metamorphic age of the Kashiwagi and the Mikabu units, it is suggested that the Kashiwagi and the Mikabu units were accreted simultaneously, and were undergone metamorphism by 110 Ma, which is earlier than accretionary age of the Gozenyama Unit.

The paleogeographic reconstruction based on the above chronological data and plate motion, the igneous rocks in the Mikabu Unit was erupted on the inner part of the Izanagi Plate. This paleogeographic model is inconsistent with the opinion of previous studies, which argue that the igneous rocks in the Mikabu Unit was erupted at the triple junction of the Izanagi–Farallon– Pacific plates. The presented data also suggest that the Sambosan (Gozenyama) Unit is not the source rock of the Mikabu Unit.



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