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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「No Gravitational Wave from Orbiting Supermassive Kerr Black Hole—a model of matter distribution and propagation of gravitational waves inside the event horizon」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




No Gravitational Wave from Orbiting Supermassive Kerr Black Hole—a model of matter distribution and propagation of gravitational waves inside the event horizon

Hiroshi Oya 東北大学 DOI:10.33140/EESRR.06.01.01



The matter distribution of the extremely high-energy and dense plasma inside a supermassive rotating black hole has been theoretically investigated, starting from Einstein’s equation with the source term, in the coordinate close to the free-falling frame along the geodesics of interior matter, where the state of the force balance can be described with the formalism of modified Newtonian dynamics. For a model of equal-rotation velocity of matter, where the main component of plasma is rotating around a common axis with the same velocity close to the light velocity, with a high Lorentz factor (gamma rate), it is concluded that the matter distribution is condensed to a region with a much smaller radius than that of the event horizon of the Kerr spacetime. The gravitational waves that are generated from the condensed matter region due to the orbital motion of the binary, return towards the source, after ceasing at the critical sphere in the vacuum region of spinning Kerr spacetime. At the stage where returning waves encounter with foreword waves, the gravitational waves are deformed to standing waves that carry no energy outside of the event horizon. We conclude that no gravitational wave is radiated from the supermassive black hole binary.



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