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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Study on stress environmental response of riverbank plants for the purpose of applying watershed environmental management」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Study on stress environmental response of riverbank plants for the purpose of applying watershed environmental management

LEKKALA VAMSI KRISHNA 埼玉大学 DOI:info:doi/10.24561/00019674



Understanding the ecophysiology of riparian vegetation is an important factor in managing and promoting biodiversity. Additionally, because riparian vegetation along an elevation gradient is constantly prone to fluctuations in water levels, it is often subjected to environmental stress. The current study examined the effect of elevation on riparian vegetation communities along the Hii River in Japan by quantifying environmental stress using foliar hydrogen peroxide concentrations. Four abundant species occurring along the Hii River, Phragmites australis, Phragmites karka, Juglans mandshurica, and Salix pierotii, were used for the investigation. Leaf samples were collected from all four species at different elevations along the river line. The results indicated that compared to the same species living at high elevations, P. australis,P. karka, and S. pierotii at low elevations had reduced hydrogen peroxide contents, indicating low levels of stress. However, J. mandshurica showed the opposite trend; this species had a high concentration of hydrogen peroxide at low elevations and was thus highly stressed compared to the other species at high elevations. Moreover, J. mandshurica preferred highly fertile soil, especially with regard to the nitrogen content, and J. mandshurica had a high and low hydrogen peroxide content at low and high soil nitrogen, respectively. This clearly indicates that for J. mandshurica, the preferential location and stress was mainly based on soil nutrient availability. Our findings reveal that hydrogen peroxide is a very efficient and reliable index for quantifying environmental stress to help manage biodiversity.
Plants are subjected to various environmental stressors, both natural and artificial. Environmental stressors that lead to an excessive generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) may adversely affect physiology and well-being of organisms. The amount of ROS, therefore, could potentially be used to quantify environmental stresses in plants. In this study, the effect of changes of water levels and elevation at which plants are located was examined in the drawdown zone of a flood control dam (Miharu dam), located in Fukushima in northern Japan. The Salix subfragilis willows are important plant species in the reservoir as these plants are resistant to prolonged submerged conditions. S. subfragilis growing in the drawdown zone exhibited high mortality rates from 2008 to 2016. Leaf samples of S. subfragilis were collected in the drawdown zone at different elevations shortly after drawdown (June), and several months after drawdown (August and October). The samples were taken under light exposure; additionally, dark-adapted (30 min) samples were collected in order to evaluate photosystem-induced ROS generation. The mortality rate of S. subfragilis trees was abnormally high over the previous years, particularly at higher elevated sites. Foliar H₂O₂ concentrations were significantly increased in samples collected in August and October samples, compared to June samples. Catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, and guaiacol peroxidase activities were also increased, corresponding with the H₂O₂ content. No significant difference in H₂O₂ concentrations was found between samples from the lower edge of the drawdown zone and those collected at constantly inundated sites. The H₂O₂ concentration of light- and dark-treated samples indicated that there was no additional ROS accumulation due to photosynthesis. The results indicated that the high mortality of the trees was associated with long-term exposure to drought conditions due to the drawdown, although this was not confirmed by conventional monitoring. These findings support the use of H₂O₂ as an environmental stress indicator in vegetation management.
Egeria densa is an often-found invasive species in Japan, which has spread widely in the past two decades in rivers where no macrophytes had previously been found. As a result, these ecosystems have now become dominated by E. densa. The habitat preference for E. densa colony formation was investigated using the tissue concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂: a reactive oxygen species) under varying conditions in rivers and laboratory conditions. The empirical equations that can describe the macrophyte tissue H₂O₂ formation under various velocity and light conditions were produced. The H₂O₂ concentrations of dark-adapted plants are proportional to the flow velocity, and the surplus H₂O₂ concentration in the light-exposed condition corresponded to the photosystems produced H₂O₂. When the H₂O₂ concentration exceeds 16 μmol/gFW, plant tissue starts to deteriorate, and biomass declines, indicating the critical values required for long-term survival of the plant. The empirically obtained relationships between flow velocity or light intensity and the analysis of H₂O₂ concentration for different slopes and depths of channels found that the H₂O₂ value exceeds the critical H₂O₂ concentration in channels with above 1/100 at around 0.6 m depth. This agrees with the observed results where colonies were not found in channels with slopes exceeding 1/100, and biomass concentration was the largest at depths of 0.6 to 0.8 m. H₂O₂ concentration is quite applicable to understanding the macrophyte condition in various kinds of macrophyte management.



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Recently managing the vegetation seems to be a potential problem in several places around the

globe. Although, there are several approaches that are being tested on trial-and-error bases

there is not any suitable method developed yet to help manage the biodiversity. There are

several traditional techniques which are being followed by several vegetation management

authorities but unfortunately, they are time consuming and the costly methods.

The results of the current study show the effect of elevation gradient and moisture variation

on the abundance of different species along a riparian zone. Species-specific zones of

colonization or recruitment were clearly revealed using hydrogen peroxide as an environmental

stress quantification index. Additionally, because most plant species face environmental stress,

the current study proposes a rapid, efficient, and reliable monitoring system for vegetation

management. With this method, only a relatively simple chemical analysis is involved when

assessing oxidative stress, which is measured in the form of the hydrogen peroxide content. In

measuring oxidative stress, it is important to truly understand the intensity of the stress, predict

probable outcomes, and take appropriate measures to protect vegetation accordingly.

Flexible management-based methods are commonly used in the ecological management of

riparian systems, where long-term monitoring of vegetation is conducted to identify stressors.

Salix trees growing in this area have been monitored for 8 years in order to gain a better

understanding of the mechanisms driving their high mortality. However, the responsible

stressor was not identified solely from monitoring, as the change in Salix health was due to

prolonged stress conditions. In this study, one ROS, H2O2,was identified as the primary cause

of the increase in Salix mortality based on relatively straightforward analyses, and our results

suggest that H2O2 levels can be used as an effective indicator of environmental stress levels

and plant condition.


Salix are inundation-tolerant species often found along reservoir shorelines and are capable of

colonizing the drawdown zones of flood-control dams, which otherwise would remain devoid

of vegetation. These individuals are vulnerable to water stress during periods of water

drawdowns, however. Oxidative stress levels of the inundated trees included in our study were

as low as those of trees recently exposed following inundation, suggesting that one potential

measure for reducing stress levels in Salix would be to supply additional water to the colony.

Several studies have shown that Salix require high soil moisture in order to germinate but we

recommend that soil moisture content be maintained at appropriate levels even for mature trees.

The high concentrations of H2O2 introduced by high flow velocity and high solar radiation

in summer inhibited the formation of large colonies in the gravel channel, owing to the high

oxidative stress. The accumulation of H2O2 in E. densa showed a significant relationship for

both flow velocity and solar radiation. The critical H2O2 concentration to maintain a healthy

population of E. densa can be considered as 16 µmol/gFW, which corresponds to the

termination of biomass accumulation. Under the strongest solar radiation on summer days, the

H2O2 level often exceeds the critical condition, leading to the deterioration of E. densa and

ultimately, the H2O2 concentrations decline as the plant tissues start to deteriorate. H2O2

concentrations of E. densa were estimated for channels with different slopes and different

depths. The H2O2 concentration is higher than the critical value in shallow water and increases

in steeper channels, exceeding the critical value at a channel slope larger than 1/100. Once

colonized, E. densa accumulates sandy suspended sediment efficiently and creates a preferable

environment for further colonization. The present methodology can be applied to predict the

area that can be conveniently colonized by E. densa within a short time period, which has been

determined based on a prolonged monitoring activity.


