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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「In-Hand Manipulation and Recognition with a Humanoid Robot's Multi-Fingered Hand Using Distributed 3-Axis Tactile Sensors and Convolutional Neural Networks」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




In-Hand Manipulation and Recognition with a Humanoid Robot's Multi-Fingered Hand Using Distributed 3-Axis Tactile Sensors and Convolutional Neural Networks

Funabashi Satoshi 早稲田大学



Nowadays, human co-existing robots are in high expectation for working in actual industrial situations such as factories, kitchens and logistics where many people work but hard load and tedious tasks are necessary and those situations can be a cause of worsening human health. Labor shortage due to the declining birthrate and aging is also crucial for our society, thus the need for robots is increasing. In order for robots to handle various tools and objects in the same way as humans do in nursing care and collaboration, multi-fingered hands take an important role compared to two-fingered grippers because the hands have more than two fingers resulting in that they can change an orientation of an object during a manipulation task. Since the multi-fingered manipulation tasks include a variety of contact states such as rolling contact, a slip and a finger-gating, tactile sensors should be mounted on the surface of a hand that is soft like a human in a multi-fingered hands so that the hands enable complex and delicate movements.

On the other hand, camera-based control of the multi-fingered hands can be one of options to achieve dexterous manipulation. However, since objects are hidden and difficult to see in tasks with multi-fingered hands, there are many studies that require special or large-scale camera placements. Other works put some markers on grasping objects so that the cameras can follow objects trajectory. Considering that the processing method from vision sensor value acquisition to task achievement is complicated or task-dependent, these methods cannot be regarded as practical methods when it comes to application for industries with many environmental changes.

Therefore, using only vision cameras is not potentially a useful method for the multi-fingered manipulation, and thus tactile sensing is important to achieve stable manipulation. Specifically, since the hands make surface contact with an object, it is necessary to acquire surface information using a distributed tactile sensor. Furthermore, tactile sensors should be mounted on not only fingertips but also phalanges and a palm on the hands. When it comes to an implementation of tactile sensors into the hands, it can also be a crucial problem because such sensors are usually too expensive (e.g. 20,000 USD for one single tactile sensor) or difficult to implement on the surface of the hands. Also, the multi-fingered hands usually grasp an object by touching the object from different orientations which means the object is applied forces on different axes from the fingers. Although, tactile sensors should provide 3-axis tactile information (i.e. x-, y- and z-axis) for the situation with the multi-fingered hands, there were almost no tactile sensors which fit to the situation.

If such ideal tactile sensors are mounted on the multi-fingered hands, the hands can acquire the large amount of tactile sensor information which can be used for in-hand manipulation tasks. However, how to process such tactile information is another problem due to its non-linear complicated data structure. Modeling methods are used for in-hand manipulation with tactile sensing, but it is usually difficult to construct the modeling formulas based on tactile sensing because a physical state of provided forces and desired motions is complicated. Therefore, many studies show modeling methods which use only point contact, making complicated manipulation difficult. Also, different modeling methods are required in sub-tasks of one whole task, thus many modeling methods need to be executed for each sub-task.

Machine learning methods are also one of popular methods to process the tactile information, but abundant tactile information hinders from processing the information correctly and results in achieving limited manipulation such as fingertip-based manipulation.

The objective of this research is to aim achieving dexterous manipulation with a multi-fingered hand. Basically, this research bases on the human-mimetic configuration, thus the robot hands used in this research have soft joints and distribute tactile sensors because the core idea starts from making robots work on tasks instead of humans and tasks are basically executed by humans' hands. To achieve such in-hand manipulation, an acquisition of abundant tactile information and using a processing method to extract useful information for the dexterous manipulation is important. In this study, I focused on deep learning methods and 3-axis tactile sensors to the system for in-hand manipulation for the first time to effectively achieve dexterous in-hand information.

Chapter 1 introduces the background of the thesis in terms of aged-society and labor shortage, and the new era of Industry 4.0. In this background, industrial and service robots are surveyed and the fact that those robots are expected to be used instead of human resources is explained. Furthermore, a history of existing robot hands is described which is led to Sugano laboratory’s studies in terms of hardware mechanism. In addition, control methods are focused on so that why the current control methods cannot achieve dexterous multi-fingered in-hand manipulation and what is necessary for achieving the manipulation tasks.

Chapter 2 describes how a robot hand do in-hand manipulation by utilizing tactile information with two fingers as a first step toward multi-fingered in-hand manipulation. It is noteworthy that this chapter shows a method using deep neural network to compress tactile data of in-hand manipulation for the first time. Neurons which represent object information (size) or deep neural networks which compress the data in terms of size and shape information are implemented to assist multi-layer perceptrons generating successful in-hand manipulation.

Chapter 3 shows a method which neural networks control a low-cost hand. Since the hand used in Chapter 2 is highly sophisticated, it is hard to implement the hand into actual situations because such hands are expensive and hard to maintain. Therefore, this chapter introduces an Allegro Hand which is commercially and reasonably available. Due to its cheapness, the controllability of the hand is also low. Then, distributed 3-axis tactile sensor “uSkin” is focused to install to the fingertips of the Allegro Hand. It is also difficult to handle much more tactile information during handling objects. This chapter focuses on using convolutional neural networks (CNN). Overall, this chapter describes how 3-axis tactile sensors and the CNN are used for in-hand manipulation.

Chapter 4 give approaches generating multiple motions with one network based on the proposed method from Chapter 3. Specifically, task parameters corresponding to each manipulation motion were prepared as input to the network. Since fingers motion can be changed drastically during multi-fingered manipulation with a variety of objects (e. g. object property such as size and shape), even one network should have skill to adapt such difference. Eventually, the network could generate several motions by changing the parameters.

Chapter 5 introduces a method to adapt to the difference of number of fingers within the same manipulation motion. By adopting fine-tuning with a finger which has similar motion to the other, the size of training data could be reduced resulting in avoiding a hardware load problem specific to multi-fingered hands. This study also embraces a factor as a preliminary experiment toward multi-fingered in-hand manipulation. As a result, multi-fingered manipulation with only fingertips was successfully achieved.

Chapter 6 reveals 3-axis tactile information can be useful for detecting grasping states based on grasped object property. In this study, deformation and slip detection system for a 2-fingered gripper was developed. A variety of daily objects was used to confirm that grasping states can be correctly identified and useful for 2-fingered gripper. From this result, the grasping states based on object property has potential on that of multi-fingered hands.

Chapter 7 shows that uSkin is implemented on whole surface of the Allegro Hand to achieve multi-fingered tasks. As a first step, this chapter shows the way how uSkin is implemented on the Allegro Hand and evaluate whether 3-axis tactile information is necessary or not. Object recognition is chosen as a task which can evaluate the 3-axis tactile information because it can be useful for multi-fingered manipulation with different objects. This chapter depicts the importance of using 3-axis tactile information by CNN for a multi-fingered hand.

Chapter 8 introduces the problem specific to a multi-fingered hand in which the Allegro Hand has uSkin sensors with different positions on the hand and some sensors have different size. In this case, how to implement tactile information from those sensors at the same time needs to be considered. Specifically, CNN has an ability to extract useful spatial information, thus how to correctly input all tactile information together is the key factor to solve this problem. In this chapter, combined CNN is proposed with convolution layers prepared for each tactile sensor patch. Each convolution layer is combined resulting in making one tactile feature map following actual positions of each tactile sensor. This geometrical approach is firstly proposed in this research.

Chapter 9 describes a control method for multi-fingered in-hand manipulation based on a graph convolutional network (GCN). A CNN cannot be applied to complicated tactile sensor alignments otherwise tactile information needs to be preprocessed arbitrary for combining convolution layers. Therefore, the GCN is used to keep geodesical tactile information and generate dexterous in-hand manipulation. Moreover, labels representing object properties are input to the GCN to change in-hand manipulation motion depending on manipulated objects. Finally, the multi-fingered hand succeeded in-hand manipulation with untrained objects.

Chapter 10 draws a conclusion including a summary, discussion and future work. This thesis describes in-hand manipulation and object recognition methods of multi-fingered humanoid’s hands to achieve a variety of tasks which humans do for their work or daily life. It means this research is toward implementing multi-fingered hands to actual situations including factories and homes to aim releasing people from tedious works. However, there are still some steps need to be progressed. Therefore, this chapter concludes what have done so far and what need to be done in the future.

The contribution of this study is the groundbreaking achievement that the multi-fingered robot hand not only successfully performed a difficult task by deep learning, but also achieved recognition and manipulation after showing how to build a deep learning model that takes the robot's structure into account. This research result suggests the possibility that multi-fingered robot hands will be implemented in society in the future and more tasks will be entrusted to robots, while two-fingered hands are currently used in the field to replace limited tasks. In addition, the proposed method for the multi-fingered robot hands will also be useful for humanoid robots and disaster response biomimetic robots.


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