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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Azacitidine is a potential therapeutic drug for pyridoxine-refractory female X-linked sideroblastic anemia」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Azacitidine is a potential therapeutic drug for pyridoxine-refractory female X-linked sideroblastic anemia

Morimoto, Yuki Chonabayashi, Kazuhisa Kawabata, Hiroshi Okubo, Chikako Yamasaki-Morita, Makiko Nishikawa, Misato Narita, Megumi Inagaki, Azusa Nakanishi, Kayoko Nagao, Miki Takaori-Kondo, Akifumi Yoshida, Yoshinori 京都大学 DOI:10.1182/bloodadvances.2021005664



X-linked sideroblastic anemia (XLSA) is associated with mutations in the erythroid-specific δ-aminolevulinic acid synthase (ALAS2) gene. Treatment for XLSA is mainly supportive, except in pyridoxine-responsive patients. Female XLSA often represents a late onset of severe anemia, mostly due to the acquired skewing of X-chromosome inactivation. Here, we successfully generated active wild-type and mutant ALAS2 induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines from the peripheral blood cells of an affected mother and two daughters in a family with pyridoxine-resistant XLSA due to a heterozygous ALAS2 missense mutation (R227C). The erythroid differentiation potential was severely impaired in active mutant iPSC lines compared to that in active wild-type iPSC lines. Most of the active mutant iPSC-derived erythroblasts revealed an immature morphological phenotype, and some showed dysplasia and perinuclear iron deposits. Additionally, globin and HO-1 expression and heme biosynthesis in active mutant erythroblasts were severely impaired compared to that in active wild-type erythroblasts. Furthermore, genes associated with erythroblast maturation and karyopyknosis showed significantly reduced expression in active mutant erythroblasts, recapitulating the maturation defects. Notably, the erythroid differentiation ability and hemoglobin expression of active mutant iPSC-derived hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs) were improved by the administration of δ-aminolevulinic acid, verifying the suitability of the cells for drug testing. Administration of a DNA demethylating agent, azacitidine, reactivated the silent wild-type ALAS2 allele in active mutant HPCs and ameliorated erythroid differentiation defects, suggesting that azacitidine is a potential novel therapeutic drug for female XLSA. Our patient-specific iPSC platform provides novel biological and therapeutic insights for XLSA.




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Last, we focused on the unusual disease mechanism of XLSA in

females, which is caused by the acquired skewing of X-chromosome

inactivation in hematopoietic stem cells. We speculated that the restoration of the expression of WT ALAS2 in a considerable number

of affected erythroblasts could ameliorate disease phenotypes in

female patients with XLSA. This study provides the first proof of concept that the silent WT ALAS2 allele in female subjects could be

partially reactivated by the DNA demethylating agent AZA, which

serves as a potential novel therapeutic approach for the treatment of

refractory anemia in female patients with XLSA (Figure 7). Although

the demethylating effect of AZA is global and off-target side effects

may occur in both hematopoietic and nonhematopoietic tissues,

AZA is currently being used in clinical practice to treat hematological malignancies and has shown acceptable adverse effects. However, the efficacy of AZA in our XLSA model is limited, and further

studies using DNA demethylating agents are needed for future

therapeutic use.

A Self-archived copy in

Kyoto University Research Information Repository


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