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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Manganese transport in mammals by zinc transporter family proteins, ZNT and ZIP」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Manganese transport in mammals by zinc transporter family proteins, ZNT and ZIP

Fujishiro, Hitomi Kambe, Taiho 京都大学 DOI:10.1016/j.jphs.2021.10.011



Manganese (Mn) is an essential trace element required for various biological processes. However, excess Mn causes serious side effects in humans, including parkinsonism. Thus, elucidation of Mn homeostasis at the systemic, cellular, and molecular levels is important. Many metal transporters and channels can be involved in the transport and homeostasis of Mn, and an increasing body of evidence shows that several zinc (Zn) transporters belonging to the ZIP and ZNT families, specifically, ZNT10, ZIP8, and ZIP14, play pivotal roles in Mn metabolism. Mutations in the genes encoding these transporter proteins are associated with congenital disorders related to dysregulated Mn homeostasis in humans. Moreover, single nucleotide polymorphisms of ZIP8 are associated with multiple clinical phenotypes. In this review, we discuss the recent literature on the structural and biochemical features of ZNT10, ZIP8, and ZIP14, including transport mechanisms, regulation of expression, and pathophysiological functions. Because a disturbance in Mn homeostasis is closely associated with a variety of phenotypes and risk of human diseases, these transporters constitute a significant target for drug development. An understanding of the roles of these key transporters in Mn metabolism should provide new insights into pharmacological applications of their inhibitors and enhancers in human diseases.



or Mn reabsorption by ZIP8. Further mechanistic studies on the

physiological and pathological functions of ZIP8, ZIP14, and ZNT10

will provide a complete understanding of the regulatory mechanisms of systemic and cellular Mn homeostasis.

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1.4. Perspectives

Accumulating evidence has helped clarify the importance of Zn

transporters in cellular and systemic Mn metabolism through the

mobilization of Mn across the cellular membrane. Simultaneously,

new questions have arisen about their functions. Can these transporters flexibly discriminate between Zn and Mn? Can their Mn

transport activity be flexibly regulated? Considering the properties

of ZNT and ZIP transporters, it would be interesting to consider the

possibility that heterodimerization may occur between ZNT10 and

other ZNT proteins, or between ZIP8 or ZIP14 and other ZIP proteins

to control their Mn/Zn transport activity. ZNT10 has been shown to

heterodimerize with ZNT3,126 although this heterodimerization

needs to be investigated from the perspective of Mn pathophysiology. Answers to these questions need to be obtained for a understanding of Mn homeostasis.

The impairment of Mn homeostasis results in various diseases.

Genetic variation associated with Mn homeostasis likely leads to a

variety of symptoms and risk of diseases. Dietary Mn deficiency is

unlikely to occur in a normal individual; thus, an excess of Mn,

which may be associated with both rare and common neurodegenerative disorders,127 need to be intensively examined in the

future. In patients with parkinsonism caused by mutations in ZNT10

and ZIP14, chelation therapy with disodium calcium edetate is reported to show significant improvement,18,20,95 along with supplementation of iron, which is a competitive inhibitor of intestinal

Mn uptake. Thus, compounds that reduce Mn toxicity may lead to

the discovery and development of drugs for a number of human

diseases associated with altered Mn homeostasis. The recent

emergence of several small molecule inhibitors of ZIP transporters128,129 show the high possibility for novel pharmacological

applications by directly targeting ZNT10, ZIP8, and ZIP14 in human

diseases associated with these transporters. However, these inhibitors have not yet been used in animal studies or in human

patients. Considering ZNT10, ZIP8, and ZIP14 are expressed on the

cell surface, an antibodyedrug conjugate may be useful. In this

regard, an antibodyedrug conjugate consisting of an anti-ZIP6

humanized monoclonal antibody and a microtubule-disrupting

agent provides useful information because it showed the efficacy

in both in vitro and in vivo antitumor activity.130 It is needless to say

that molecular mechanisms underlying the association of ZNT10,

ZIP8, and ZIP14 with Zn and Mn metabolism should be clarified for

potential pharmacological.


This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific

Research on Innovative Areas “Integrated Bio-metal Science”

(MEXT KAKENHI Grant Number JP19H05770 to H.F. and

JP19H05768 to T.K.).

Declaration of competing interest

Both authors declare no competing financial and non-financial



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