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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Comparative Metabolome and Transcriptome Analyses of Susceptible Asparagus officinalis and Resistant Wild A. kiusianus Reveal Insights into Stem Blight Disease Resistance.」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Comparative Metabolome and Transcriptome Analyses of Susceptible Asparagus officinalis and Resistant Wild A. kiusianus Reveal Insights into Stem Blight Disease Resistance.

Mostafa Abdelrahman Ryo Nakabayashi Tetsuya Mori Takao Ikeuchi Mitsutaka Mori Kyoko Murakami Yukio Ozaki Masaru Matsumoto Atsuko Uragami Hisashi Tsujimoto Lam Son Phan Tran Akira Kanno 東北大学 DOI:10.1093/pcp/pcaa054



Phomopsis asparagi is one of the most serious fungal pathogens, which causes stem blight disease in Asparagus officinalis (AO), adversely affecting its production worldwide. Recently, development of novel asparagus varieties using wild Asparagus genetic resources with natural P. asparagi resistance has become a priority in Japan due to the lack of resistant commercial AO cultivars. In the present study, comparative metabolome and transcriptome analyses of susceptible AO and resistant wild A. kiusianus (AK) 24 and 48 h post-inoculated (AOI_24 hpi, AOI_48 hpi, AKI_24 hpi and AKI_48 hpi, respectively) with P. asparagi were conducted to gain insights into metabolic and expression changes associated with the AK species. Following the infection, the resistant wild AK showed rapid metabolic changes with increased levels of flavonoids and steroidal saponins, and decreased asparagusic acid glucose ester content, compared with the susceptible AO plants. Transcriptome data revealed a total of 21l differentially expressed genes (DEGs) as the core gene set that displayed upregulation in the resistant AK versus susceptible AO after infection with P. asparagi. KEGG pathway analysis of these DEGs identified 11 significantly enriched pathways, including flavonoid biosynthesis and primary metabolite metabolism, in addition to plant signaling and defense- related pathways. In addition, comparative SNP and Indel distributions in susceptible AO and resistant AK plants were evaluated using the latest A. officinalis reference genome Aspof.V1. The data generated in this study are important resources for advancing the Asparagus breeding programs, and for investigations of genetic linkage map, phylogenetic diversity and plant defense-related genes.



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