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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Protective role of residual Tet2/Tet3 alleles in development of myeloid leukemia」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Protective role of residual Tet2/Tet3 alleles in development of myeloid leukemia

SHRESTHA, RAKSHA 筑波大学 DOI:10.15068/0002000732



Loss-of-function mutations in ten-eleven translocation-2 (TET2) are recurrent events in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) as well as in preleukemic hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) of age- related clonal hematopoiesis. TET3 mutations are infrequent in AML, but the level of TET3 expression in HSCs has been found to decline with age. I examined the impact of gradual decrease of TET function in AML development by generating mice with Tet deficiency at various degrees. Tet2f/f and Tet3f/f mice were crossed with mice expressing Mx1-Cre to generate Tet2f/wtTet3f/fMx-Cre+ (T2ΔT3), Tet2f/fTet3f/wtMx-Cre+ (ΔT2T3), and Tet2f/fTet3f/fMx- Cre+ (ΔT2ΔT3) mice. All ΔT2ΔT3 mice died of aggressive AML at a median survival of 10.7 weeks. By comparison, T2ΔT3 and ΔT2T3 mice developed AML at longer latencies, with a median survival of ∼27 weeks. Remarkably, all 9 T2ΔT3 and 8 ΔT2T3 mice with AML showed inactivation of the remaining nontargeted Tet2 or Tet3 allele, respectively, owing to exonic loss in either gene or stop-gain mutations in Tet3. Recurrent mutations other than Tet3 were not noted in any mice by whole-exome sequencing. Spontaneous inactivation of residual Tet2 or Tet3 alleles is a recurrent genetic event during the development of AML with Tet insufficiency.



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