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ラダン, マレヘーミールチェギニ LADAN, MALEHMIRCHEGINI 九州大学



Kyushu University Institutional Repository

Model development for the comprehensive
analysis of demand response programs in the
Japan Electric Power Exchange (JEPX) day-ahead
wholesale market
ラダン, マレヘーミールチェギニ

出版情報:Kyushu University, 2023, 博士(工学), 課程博士

(様式3)Form 3

名 :
: Ladan Malehmirchegini
論 文 名 : Model development for the comprehensive analysis of demand response programs in the
Japan Electric Power Exchange (JEPX) day-ahead wholesale market(日本卸電力取引所(JEPX)前日比

分 :甲


論 文 内 容 の 要 旨
Thesis Summary
Among all countermeasures recommended by the Japanese government, Demand Response Programs (DRPs) is a
voluntary program that allows end-user customers (CUs) to reduce their electricity usage during higher electricity
prices and achieve specific outcomes on the electrical grid at varying levels. However, there has been little success in
adopting DPRs in the smart electricity market due to insufficient integration between major market players, which
is affected not only by technical and financial issues, but also by the social acceptance of DPRs. The purpose of this
study is to investigate the main drivers of the successful application of DRPs in the Japan Electric Power Exchange
(JEPX) wholesale market, through the development of a robust mathematical modeling framework that can be used
to formulate both Price-Based Demand Response Programs (PBDRPs) and Incentive-Based Demand Response
Programs (IBDRPs). The modeling approach is founded on the concept of social welfare maximization of market
actors, considering both service providers (SPs) and CUs profitabilities from trading electricity, while addressing the
aversion of the CUs to the risk of choosing PBDRPs and their satisfaction with participation in IBDRPs.
The modeling framework developed in this research is divided into three main models. The first model focuses on
developing an analytical approach grounded in customer theory in microeconomics, using the concept of the expected
utility function to model the behavior of the risk-averse CUs in response to different PBDRPs. An hourly-based model
for short-term price elasticity of demand is introduced, considering the day-ahead price mechanism in the Japan
Electric Power Exchange (JEPX) market. The estimated price elasticities are utilized in a price elasticity matrix of
demand (PEMD) to accurately reflect various response strategies such as flexible, in-flexible forward-shifting,
backward shifting, and optimizing responses. Accurate day-ahead hourly load forecasting using the Seasonal
Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (SARIMA) model is performed. The developed model is then employed to
analyze the behavior of CUs with different response strategies in the JEPX market. The results indicate that,
applying the Time-of-Use (TOU) and Real-Time-Pricing (RTP) programs suggests a peak reduction potential of 10.7%
and 7.3%, respectively, for the flexible CUs. Applying the RTP program to the curtailable loads can achieve a 7.7%

reduction in daily peak demand and a 1.6% reduction in daily electricity consumption.
The second model is developed to investigate the potential of Real-Time Pricing Demand Response Programs (RTPDRPs) in adjusting the microeconomic equilibrium of the wholesale electricity market. A region-wise analytical
approach is proposed to maximize end-users' social welfare by considering regions with varying supply-demand
dynamics, including excess supply, high demand burden, and inter-regional connections. The results reveal that, the
RTP-DRPs could potentially reduce the peak demand of the residential sector in Chubu, Chugoku, Kansai, Kyushu,
Tokyo, and Tohoku by 1.91% to 7.81%. Meanwhile, in Hokkaido, Hokuriku, and Shikoku by 16.13% to 22.9%. The
avoided greenhouse emission (GHG) in Tokyo is estimated to be 82.6 and 192.2 tons in summer and winter,
The third model focuses on IBDRPs, which aim to encourage customers to reduce electricity consumption during
peak periods in exchange for incentives. A multi-objective modeling approach is employed to maximize the social
welfare of both SPs and CUs participating in IBDRPs. The Long–Short Term Memory (LSTM) artificial neural
networks approach is used to forecast an accurate day-ahead hourly load on four years of Tokyo Electric Power
Company (TEPCO) hourly power demand data from 2016 to 2020. The Kano model for customer satisfaction is
utilized to assess CUs' satisfaction with participation, considering attributes such as comfort, flexibility, energy
security, and environmental protection. A questionnaire survey is carried out to collect 349 responses to a pair of
functional and dysfunctional questions on the four attributes mentioned above, which helps identify the explicit
formulation of the CUs’ satisfaction function. The analysis of the proposed IBDRP in the JEPX market using realtime wholesale electricity prices and demand loads in Tokyo's residential areas reveals that the environmental
protection attribute positively impacts CUs' satisfaction and welfare, leading to greater reductions in electricity
consumption and increased incentive incomes. The model is used to estimate the optimal demand load, peak
reduction, optimal incentive rates, and welfare of CU and SP for two scenarios, including with and without CU’s
satisfaction. Based on the two scenarios considered in this study, the optimal load reduction of a dissatisfied customer
is estimated at 186,103,70 and 64 MWh with environmental protection, comfort, flexibility, and energy security
attributes, respectively. Despite that, the daily electricity reduction after implementing the proposed IBDRP is
estimated at 277 MWh with all IBDRP attributes for a satisfied CU.
Overall, this research contributes to the development of mathematical models for evaluating demand response
programs in Japan's wholesale electricity market. The findings demonstrate the potential of different strategies to
maximize welfare, reduce peak demand, mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, and enhance customer satisfaction,
ultimately leading to a more sustainable and efficient electricity system.



Malehmirchegini L, Farzaneh H. Demand response modeling in a day-ahead wholesale

electricity market in Japan , considering the impact of customer risk aversion and dynamic










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Chapter 5

Finding and Conclusion

This chapter presents the conclusions of the major findings of this work. Also, it provides

the suggested recommendation that may help to achieve a more precise perception of

customer satisfaction with the IBDRP, allowing for better implementation of the program in

a large-scale society. This thesis included three main parts. The first part discussed how DPRs

could improve market efficiency through maximizing the social welfare of the wholesale

market actors, considering the impact of customer risk aversion and dynamic price elasticity

of demand. The second part proposed a region-wise modeling approach based on maximizing

end-users' social welfare in the wholesale electricity market. Finally, the third part examined

the impact of customer satisfaction on the social welfare and profitability of the market actors.

The main finding of the thesis is that customers with high-risk aversion can benefit from

effectively participating in demand response programs (DRPs) by obtaining higher expected

utility. Thus, although the reduction in consumption results in lower utility, the risk-averse

CUs decide to decrease electricity consumption more rapidly with the price increment during

the period when the absolute values of the elasticity are higher. Additionally, the research

highlights that real-time pricing (RTP) performs better in satisfying customers' electricity

consumption needs compared to other DRP options. This is because RTP provides customers

with greater flexibility and responsiveness, leading to higher expected utility values.

Furthermore, in a customer-oriented demand response market, customers' preferences

regarding DRP choices are influenced by their satisfaction levels based on their consumption

patterns. This satisfaction can be reflected in their expected utility function. Therefore, by

considering customer satisfaction during the implementation of DRPs, the social welfare of

customers can be maximized, and these programs can be implemented more efficiently.

Moreover, the research emphasizes the importance of understanding regional

characteristics in implementing DRPs. Each region has unique aspects, such as supplydemand equilibrium, wholesale prices, variable renewable energy (VRE) penetration, and

load profiles. These regional characteristics influence the response and effectiveness of

implemented RTP-DRPs, which can be classified into three categories: regions with excess

supply, regions with high demand burden, and regular suppliers to inter-regional connections.

Considering these findings, the study contributes to a better understanding of how DRPs

can be operated in Japan's wholesale electricity spot market. It highlights the benefits of

implementing DRPs, such as improving resource efficiency, decreasing electricity prices,

enhancing load flexibility, and increasing security through customer and market engagement.


5.1.Summary and major findings

Price-based demand response modeling in a day-ahead wholesale electricity market in

Japan, considering the impact of customer risk aversion and dynamic price elasticity of

demand: A mathematical modeling approach was developed based on maximizing the CU’s

welfare by considering a price-responsive demand response system in the wholesale market

in Japan. The proposed model is founded on the customer theory in microeconomics, using

the concept of the expected utility function to model the behavior of the risk-averse CUs in

responding to different DPRs. In order to precisely reflect the CUs' behavior in responding

to the DRPs, the PEMD was developed based on identifying the hourly self-and cross-price

elasticities of demand, considering different responding strategies: flexible, in-flexible,

forward-shifting, backward-shifting, and optimizing responses. An hourly day-ahead

electricity demand model was developed using the time series forecasting method to predict

an hour-ahead demand with a MAPE of 0.94% and R2 of 0.99. The results of applying the

proposed model to the JEPX day-ahead spot price market revealed a peak reduction potential

of 10.7% and 7.3%, respectively, from applying TOU and RTP programs to the flexible CUs.

By applying the RTP program to the curtailable loads, a 7.7% reduction in the daily peak

demand and a 1.6% reduction in daily electricity consumption can be achieved. The effect of

risk aversion on expected utility was determined in this study, with results indicating that

customers with high-risk aversion can obtain more expected utility by effectively

participating in DRPs. Although the TOU and CPP programs show better results in savings,

RTP performs better in satisfying the CUs from electricity consumption, providing higher

expected utility values. Thus, although the wholesale market operators prefer to implement

DRPs that guarantee more cost and energy savings, in a customer-oriented demand response

market, the CUs’ preference concerning the DPR choices is a function of their satisfaction

due to their consumption levels, which can be reflected in their expected utility function.

Region-Wise Evaluation of Price-Based Demand Response Programs in Japan's

Wholesale Electricity Market Considering Microeconomic Equilibrium: A

mathematical modeling technique focused on maximizing the customer’s welfare was

implemented, taking into account an RTP scheme in Japan's wholesale market. The regionwise impact of the wholesale electricity market was explored by formulating the price

elasticity matrix of demand for each region dedicatedly, while applying a single mathematical

modeling technique of the customer’s welfare to all the regions similarly. The region-wise

price elasticity matrix of demand was formulated by estimating the hourly self and crossprice elasticities, considering the flexibility of consumers. Furthermore, the region-wise selfelasticity was calculated using two stages of econometrics, which estimate the regional

wholesale price based on the VRE penetration and then evaluate the self-PED. The developed

model was then applied to investigate the region-wise potential benefits (peak reduction,


energy savings, and avoided emissions) of implementing the RTP-DRP in Japan’s wholesale

electricity market. The obtained results indicate a wide variation range of the hourly

estimated region-wise PED of -0.005 to -0.21. Meanwhile, the estimated risk aversion

coefficients that evaluate end-user’s willingness to engage in RTP-DRP vary in all the ranges

in a similar range of 0.001 to 0.003. This implies that, the PED variation is not caused by the

end-user side, but rather by the price-driving parameters of supply and demand

microeconomic equilibrium. In addition, given the application of similar RTP-DRP to all the

regions, the potential for daily peak reduction of the residential sector considering flexible

customers and shiftable load various between 1.91% to 22.9%. The energy saved from the

developed RTP-DRP for all regions varies between 0.16% to 1.02%. On the other hand, the

potential avoided GHG emissions resulting from the proposed program in the Tokyo region

are remarkable, with values of 82.6 and 192.2 (TonCO2e) in the summer and winter,

respectively. The estimated PEMD has shown high elasticity indices for Hokkaido, Hokuriku,

and Shikoku, which have been justified by the increased wholesale price considering their

VRE penetration and the dependency on the inter-regional connections.

Incentive-based demand response modeling in a day-ahead wholesale electricity market

in Japan, considering the impact of customer satisfaction on social welfare and

profitability: A multi-objective mathematical model was developed that maximizes the

social welfare function of both SPs and CUs to find the optimal incentive rates paid to the

CUs for decreasing their electricity consumption, taking into account the impact of the CU’s

satisfaction with the different IBDRP attributes of comfort, flexibility, energy security, and

environmental protection. The results revealed that the CUs’ satisfaction with comfort and

energy security has a linear relationship with their welfare. Furthermore, the satisfaction

elasticity of welfare is more negative with the flexibility attribute and more positive with the

environmental protection attribute. The findings highlighted the significance of the

environmental protection attribute of the IBDRP in motivating the CUs to active participation

in the program. The model was used to estimate the optimal demand load, peak reduction,

optimal incentive rates, and welfare of CU and SP for two scenarios, including with and

without CU's satisfaction. Based on the two scenarios considered in this study, the optimal

load reduction of a dissatisfied customer was estimated at 186,103,70 and 64 MWh with

environmental protection, comfort, flexibility, and energy security attributes, respectively.

Despite that, the daily electricity reduction after implementing the proposed IBDRP was

estimated at 277 MWh with all IBDRP attributes for a satisfied CU. The insights from this

research may help the Japanese local government achieve a more precise perception of

customer satisfaction with the IBDRP, allowing for better implementation of the program in

a large-scale society.


To validate the results of this study, a comprehensive comparison has been conducted

between various relevant studies and the findings of this research. The comparative analysis

is presented in the table below, highlighting the key similarities and differences between the


Table 5-1 A comprehensive comparison between the output results and other studies.


Combined PB

and IB












Demand peak

reduction %



saving %






5.2 to 10.2





0.22, 0.1, 0.99


7.8 to 16.2

11.3 to 13

10.7, 7.3

4.7 to 14

1, 0.7

11, 29, 7.7

2.3, 6.3, 1.6






(Yu et al.,2020)

Satisfied CU

Dissatisfied CU





Japanese rural

residential customers

Residential customers



TOU, RTP (shiftable



(curtailable loads)

Satisfied CU

Dissatisfied CU

(Lu et al., 2018)

(Aalami, H.A.,et


(Moghaddam, M.P.,et


(Rohman and

Kobayashi, 2014)

(Mizutani et al., 2018)

(Yunqin Lu et al.,


This study

This study

5.2. Study limitation

Despite the significant contributions, some limitations of the study should be mentioned.

1- CUs preference is assumed to be unchanged and stable across participation in DRPs.

However, it is possible that CUs that were motivated by a value, e.g., environmental

protection, before participating in the DRP, may change their preferences during the

program and begin to find value in economic incentives.

2- Only four features of comfort, flexibility, energy security, and environmental

protection were considered in this study. However, other functional, epistemic, and

social values may help people perceive the main benefits of DRP, which were not

addressed in this study.

3- This modeling bears potential limitations in using similar relationships among

service providers and end-users in the demand-responsive market of various regions.

However, emphasizing the potential of adjusting the supply and demand imbalance


cost-effectively in the different areas proposed in this study leads to a new

formulation to target each region, with specific consideration for the regional supplydemand equilibrium, wholesale prices, VRE penetration, and load profiles.

5.3. Policy implications

Based on the conclusions of the study, the following policy implications can be drawn:

Customer-Centric Approach: Policymakers should adopt a customer-centric

approach when designing demand response programs. Understanding customer behavior,

preferences, and risk aversion levels is crucial for the success of these programs.

Consideration should be given to developing and implementing programs tailored to the

needs and preferences of different customer groups

Environmental protection awareness: The study highlights the importance of

incorporating environmental protection awareness into demand response programs.

Policymakers should emphasize the potential benefits of reduced greenhouse gas emissions

and incentivize customers to actively participate in programs that contribute to environmental

sustainability. Additionally, the remarkable potential for avoiding GHG emissions in Tokyo

emphasizes the importance of tailoring strategies to address specific regional challenges and


Continuous monitoring and Improvement: Policymakers should establish

mechanisms to continuously monitor and improve the implemented demand response

programs. Monitoring the impact of programs, customer satisfaction levels, and costeffectiveness will help identify areas for enhancement and optimize the overall performance

of demand response initiatives.

Collaboration with Wholesale Market Operators: Policymakers should collaborate

closely with wholesale market operators to align the implementation of demand response

programs with cost and energy-saving objectives. Balancing the preferences and welfare of

customers with the goals of the wholesale market is essential for the success and acceptance

of demand response initiatives.

The abovementioned policy implications empower policymakers to foster a customeroriented demand response market in Japan. By considering customer preferences, regional

variations, environmental concerns, and long-term goals, policymakers can design effective

and sustainable demand response programs that optimize customer welfare, reduce peak

demand, promote energy efficiency, and contribute to a more resilient and sustainable

electricity system.

5.4. Future work

In the future, this project will investigate the interaction between Virtual Power Plants

(VPPs) and Demand Response Programs (DRPs) in the Day-Ahead Market. It focuses on


how VPPs might collect and manage distributed energy resources (DERs) in order to improve

energy supply and market participation. It evaluates VPPs' ability to provide their aggregated

capacity and flexibility in the day ahead market, hence contributing to the efficient operation

of the energy system. The study explores the influence of integrating flexible loads into VPPs

for demand-side activities in DRPs on market dynamics, revenue generation, and

sustainability. It provides insights for policymakers, grid operators, and market participants

to shape effective strategies for future energy markets and support the transition towards a

more flexible, efficient, and resilient electricity system.

Furthermore, a detailed analysis of the climate co-benefits obtained from applying demand

response programs and energy management actions in climate change mitigation should be

carried out, in order to evaluate and quantify the additional benefits, such as local air quality

and public health improvement or green job creation.

In addition, in evaluating the satisfaction function in IBDRPs, further justification should

be provided for the selection of the four values: comfort, flexibility, energy security, and

environmental protection. While these values have been identified as important

considerations in the analysis, it is necessary to explore and justify their inclusion based on

additional dimensions of value. Specifically, the study will delve into the various forms of

value, including functional, epistemic, and social, to assess their relevance to the model. It

will investigate whether these forms of value align with the identified values or if there are

other dimensions that should be considered.



Appendix 1: Examining the Customer satisfaction from participating in demand

response programs (DRPs).

This questionnaire examines the electricity customer's satisfaction from participating in

different Demand Response Programs (DRP). DRP allows electricity customers to maximize

their bill savings and earn bounces from supporting the grid efficiency and security by

cutting/shifting their electricity usage from peak hours (3:00 pm to 7:00 pm) to off-peak

hours. Therefore, customers are asked to change their consumption patterns by

cutting/shifting the electricity-drawing appliances (such as washing machines, vacuum

cleaners, iron, etc.) from costly peak times to times when costs are less, and demand is down.

This questionnaire proposes some key questions to explore the customer preference to

subscribe to DRP, and the main factors influencing customer satisfaction.

The key terms considered in this questionnaire are as follows:

1. Demand Response Programs (DRP): Cutting/shifting some electricity usage from peak

hours (3:00 pm to 7:00 pm) to off-peak hours.

2. Comfort: using electric appliances whenever a customer desires at any time (peak hours

or off-peak hours)

3. Peak hours: The times of day when electric consumption is highest (e.g., 3:00 pm to 7:00


4. Savings: Earning money from reducing electricity consumption and bill payment or

receiving credit or monetary incentives from the electricity supplier

5. Stable and secure electricity supply: ensuring that electricity is always available to meet

the demand requirements, including peak times.

6. Environmental protection: climate change mitigation and air pollution reduction

• Basic information


Less than 20




21 to 30

years old

21 30


31 to 40 years



Less than

high school

High school



full time


part time




41 to 60 years













Not currently






Prefer not to say



Start main questions about DRPs

Preference from 5 (high) to 1(low)



-I will be






If participating in DRP

improves your savings but

decreases your comfort from

electricity usage during peak

hours, how do you feel? (Prefer

to pay less for electricity bill but

have less comfort)

If Not participating in DRP

doesn't affect your comfort from

using electricity during peak

hours, while it doesn't provide

any savings for you, how do you

feel? (Prefer to pay more for

electricity bill but have enough


If participating in DRP offers

lots of savings and pays less for

electricity bills, but takes your

time and effort in order to work

with some data monitoring and

reporting programs, how do you


If the DRP is simple to follow,

but offers few savings, how do

you feel?

If participating in DRP offers

lots of savings, but needs

additional investment, such as




remote or online control

systems, cables, applications,

etc., how do you feel?

I am expecting

it to be that

way (Must-be)





accept it

I am not







If participating in DRP is not

costly and doesn’t need too

much investment, but offers few

savings, how do you feel?



If participating in DRP grants

you a stable and secure

electricity supply, how do you


If NOT participating in DRP

doesn't grant you a stable and

secure electricity supply, how

do you feel?


al protection

If participating in DRP

improves your savings. In

addition, it protects the

environment, how do you feel?

If participating in DRP

improves your savings. But it

doesn't protect the environment,

how do you feel?




