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Relative pose estimation with RGB camera : improvements and applications (本文)

山口, 真弘 慶應義塾大学



With the development of automatic robot control and smartphone-based aug- mented reality applications, methods for camera pose estimation from image sequences taken by an RGB camera have attracted numerous attention re- cently. To estimate the camera pose from an image sequence, it is necessary to obtain the 3D structure of the environment and the 3D shape of the target object in the image sequence. The method of estimating both the 3D struc- ture and the camera pose simultaneously is called Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) and has been extensively studied recently. On the other hand, it is known that more robust camera poses can be obtained by using a previously obtained 3D structure.

This thesis proposes a method for improving the accuracy of camera pose estimation by obtaining a 3D structure of the target in advance and a novel method of visualization using the pre-measured 3D shape. First, a robust estimation of the relative camera poses is proposed using a pre-built 3D structure of the environment. The proposed method describes a solution to the problem of scale-mismatch in 3D space caused by online estimation of camera trajectories on a pre-built 3D structure. Next, this thesis proposes a novel method that focuses on extending visualization techniques by ap- plying pre-measured 3D shapes to the estimation of relative camera poses. The second method shows a method of superimposing physical quantity dis- tributions acquired by a camera with different modalities on a 3D map of the environment as estimated by a normal visible light camera. This allows users to visualize the 3D structure of the temperature distribution. The third method proposes a novel interactive visualization technique to present assembly tutorials in 3D space from an RGB image sequence. This approach utilizes connections between the parts and the relative pose from the camera to a given 3D object.

In this manner, this thesis describes how to apply pre-measured data to the estimated relative RGB camera poses in three different situations and uses the results to improve the accuracy of camera pose estimation and apply them to visualization.


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