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ムハマド アフィク ビン ミスラン MUHAMAD AFFIQ BIN MISRAN 九州大学



Kyushu University Institutional Repository

Organic Photodiode for Biometric Application
ムハマド アフィク ビン ミスラン

出版情報:Kyushu University, 2022, 博士(工学), 課程博士

(様式3)Form 3



論 文 名 :Organic Photodiode for Biometric Application System


Category :

文 内 容 の 要
Thesis Summary

Recently, smartphone makers are increasingly opting for a bezel-less display, eliminating
the need for a fingerprint sensor on the home button. Thus, a thin-film fingerprint sensor within
the display area would be an appealing option, despite the development of ultrasonic and
thermal fingerprint sensors. Both have disadvantages: ultrasonic sensors are expensive for
large-area display applications, and thermal sensor pictures have a short lifetime. Therefore,
an optical fingerprint sensor based on solution-processed organic photodetectors (OPDs) could
be used as an alternative. The OPDs based on organic semiconductors are a potential class of
sensors that can provide these features. Their performance has increased rapidly in recent
years, demonstrating their potential as a supplementary technology to inorganic devices. Most
importantly, their solution processability allows for fabrication using industrial printing
processes. The significant parameter space of printing, along with the morphological and energy
requirements of OPDs, creates a slew of obstacles to the transition from lab-scale to applicable
production procedures.
However, there are still several issues related to the reliability of the optical fingerprint
sensor, especially identity spoofing. On that account, several studies have been done recently
to employ the Photoplethysmogram (PPG)-based authentication, which utilized the time-series
bio-signals for biometrics. From this perspective, this dissertation provides a fundamental
analysis of the optical simulation for human skin structure and fingertip structure at different
distances and positions between the light source and detector for PPG sensor application. This
analysis is done to understand the light propagation behavior in human tissues for better
detection of PPG sensors. The simulation results show that the reflectance-based PPG principle
has higher detection than the transmission-based principle. Plus, the reflectance-based is better
in terms of applicability to any body parts.
Then, this study proposed the fingerprint-on-display (FOD) applications based on OPD
devices for the biometric sensing application for the smartphone. This system uses the pinhole
imaging technique, well-known for its immense images and straightforward structure. It
combines optical sensors, which serve as image sensors, with a display for biometric fingerprint
scanning. There are a few options for integrating this feature across the display area. Compared
to inorganic photodiodes, OPDs benefit from large-area deposition capabilities, which can cover
the entire display sensing area. The light distribution from a pinhole onto the sensor pixel was
studied to observe the crosstalk and uniformity. Thus, recommending the critical parameters
to improve the system in the future.
The evaluation focuses on the optical crosstalk between adjacent pixels for the organic
image sensors using the interdigitated electrode structure. For applications requiring full-display
sensing, the shorter exciton diffusion length of organic semiconductors in the OPD can support
the high resolution of the organic image sensor. By adjusting the distance to determine the

minimum pixel pitch for the organic image sensor, we could demonstrate the photocurrent
diffusion from the exposed area to the buried electrodes. Unexpectedly, the observation shows
that the photocurrent diffusion was more critical than the anticipated exciton diffusion length,
even at 10 µm.




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A1: Unfiltered ray tracing for the skin model.


A2: (Front-view) Unfiltered ray tracing for the finger model based on

transmission-based system.

A3: (Side-view) Unfiltered ray tracing for the finger model based on

transmission-based system.


A4: (Front-view) Unfiltered ray tracing for the finger model based on

reflection-based system.

A5: (Side-view) Unfiltered ray tracing for the finger model based on

reflection-based system.




B1: Overview of the photomask for the IDE OPD devices.


B2: Closed-up view at area I from A1. Area II shows the single OPD

device for the verification purpose. Area III shows the IDE OPDs with

the most left is the perfectly aligned between the exposed area and

opening window. The most right in area III shows the IDE OPDs with

100% shifted to the right side exposing the boundaries of the covered

electrodes. Conversely, in area IV the most right is the perfectly

aligned device structure and the most left is 100% shifted to the left.


B3: Overview of the single OPD device.

B4: Overview of the IDE OPDs with perfectly aligned between

opening window and exposed electrodes for the smallest feature size

based on Table 5.1.




B5: Closed-up view at the exposed electrodes (EE) and covered

electrodes (CE).

B6: Overview of the IDE OPDs for largest feature size based on

Table 5.1 with the opening windows were 100% shifted to the right.


Opening window



B7: Closed-up view at the electrodes which 100% shifted to the right

for the largest feature size used for the device structure.




