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Charge-loop current order and Z₃ nematicity mediated by bond order fluctuations in kagome metals

Tazai, Rina Yamakawa, Youichi Kontani, Hiroshi 京都大学 DOI:10.1038/s41467-023-42952-6



Recent experiments on geometrically frustrated kagome metal AV₃Sb₅ (A = K, Rb, Cs) have revealed the emergence of the charge loop current (cLC) order near the bond order (BO) phase. However, the origin of the cLC and its interplay with other phases have been uncovered. Here, we propose a novel mechanism of the cLC state, by focusing on the BO phase common in kagome metals. The BO fluctuations in kagome metals, which emerges due to the Coulomb interaction and the electron-phonon coupling, mediate the odd-parity particle-hole condensation that gives rise to the topological current order. Furthermore, the predicted cLC+BO phase gives rise to the Z₃-nematic state in addition to the giant anomalous Hall effect. The present theory predicts the close relationship between the cLC, the BO, and the nematicity, which is significant to understand the cascade of quantum electron states in kagome metals. The present scenario provides a natural understanding.











Self-energy due to BO fluctuations

To understand the BO+cLC phase diagram and the energy scale of

these orders accurately, we have to include the self-energy that

describes the quasiparticle properties. We calculate the on-site selfenergy due to BO fluctuations as

Σm ðϵn Þ =


G 00 0 ðk + q,ϵn + ωl Þ

N k,q,m00 ,m000 m m





× Bmm,m00 m0 ðk,qÞ,


Bmm,m00 m0 ðk,qÞ = g qm m ðkÞg qm m ðkÞ  yvð1 + vχ g ðqÞÞ,



which is shown in Fig. 2d. Then, the Green function is given as

^ ÞÞ1 . The effect of thermal fluctuations



= ðiϵn + μ  hðkÞ

described by the self-energy is essential to reproduce the

T-dependence of various physical quantities. Here, y = 1/2 when H


is given in Eq. (2). In the present numerical study, we calculate

χ g ðqÞ = χ 0g ðqÞ=ð1  vχ 0g ðqÞÞ and Σm(ϵn) in Eq. (8) self-consistently.



Kernel function of the DW equation

The kernel function due to BO fluctuations in Eq. (7) is given as


0 0


I llq ,mm ðk,pÞ =  g m

pk ðkÞyvð1 + vχ g ðk  pÞÞg kp ðp + qÞ

+ g llq ðkÞvg mm

q ðpÞ ,




which is expressed in Fig. 3a and Supplementary Fig. 4a. The first term,

the MT term, is important when αBO ≲ 1, and its first term is the Fock

term. The second term, the Hartree term, vanishes when the eigenfunction ^f q ðkÞ is orthogonal to the BO form factor g^ q ðkÞ, like the cLC

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We are grateful to S. Onari, A. Ogawa, Y. Matsuda, T. Shibauchi, K.

Hashimoto, and T. Asaba for fruitful discussions. This study has been

supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research from MEXT of Japan

(JP20K03858, JP20K22328, JP22K14003), and by the Quantum Liquid

Crystal No. JP19H05825 KAKENHI on Innovative Areas from JSPS of Japan.

Author contributions

R.T. executed the calculations in discussion with Y.Y and H.K., and R.T.

and H.K. wrote the paper.

Competing interests

The authors declare no competing interests.

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