
リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Development of functional cellomics for comprehensive analysis of the relationship between neural networks and behavior in Caenorhabditis elegans」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Development of functional cellomics for comprehensive analysis of the relationship between neural networks and behavior in Caenorhabditis elegans

Yamauchi, Yuji 京都大学 DOI:10.14989/doctor.k24669



In multicellular organisms, complex biological phenomena emerge when many cells
form a network. In the brain, for example, as many as 86 billion neurons in humans and 100
million neurons in mice form a complex network structure that generates complex brain functions
such as learning and memory [1, 2]. The cell types that make up the network are also diverse,
with various cells in the brain differentiated to have unique functions, including sensory neurons,
interneurons, motor neurons. However, the mechanism by which neuronal networks create higherorder life phenomena remains a mystery and is one of the greatest mysteries of the 21st century.
The data-driven methodology is a powerful weapon for understanding complex
biological phenomena such as brain function. In recent years, high-throughput sequencer and
mass spectrometer technologies have developed remarkably [3, 4]. We are now in a situation
where the dynamics of a vast number of molecules can be studied at once (Figure 1). As a result,
data-driven analysis of the genome, transcriptome, proteome, and metabolome levels has become
relatively easy, and the characterization and modeling of complex biological systems are
progressing. However, it is not easy to directly adapt these omics analyses targeting biomolecules
to life phenomena at the individual level. This is because it is not apparent which cells in an
individual perform essential functions and should be analyzed. Therefore, to understand
individual-level life phenomena that emerge when many cells form a network, a cell-level omics
method that enables comprehensive annotation of the effects of each cell on life phenomena is
considered necessary. ...




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The author submitted this thesis to Kyoto University for a Ph.D. degree in Agriculture.

The studies presented here have been carried out under the direction of Professor Mitsuyoshi

Ueda, Assistant professor Kouichi Kuroda, and Professor Kenji Sugase in the Laboratory of

Biomacromolecular Chemistry, Division of Applied Life Science, Graduate School of Agriculture,

Kyoto University, during 2017-2023.

I want to express my most significant appreciation to Mitsuyoshi Ueda, Kouichi Kuroda,

Wataru Aoki, and Kenji Sugase, who offered insightful comments, meaningful discussions, and

continuous support throughout the course of my study.

I am also grateful to all my colleagues in the laboratory for wide-ranging discussion,

encouragement, and support. I want to thank the financial support from the research fellowship

of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science for Young Scientists.

Yuji Yamauchi

Laboratory of Biomacromolecular Chemistry

Division of Applied Life Sciences

Graduate School of Agriculture

Kyoto University



Chapter I

Wataru Aoki, Hidenori Matsukura, Yuji Yamauchi, Haruki Yokoyama, Koichi Hasegawa, Ryoji

Shinya, Mitsuyoshi Ueda

Cellomics approach for high-throughput functional annotation of Caenorhabditis elegans


Scientific Reports 8:10380 (2018)

Chapter II

Yuji Yamauchi, Hidenori Matsukura, Keisuke Motone, Mitsuyoshi Ueda, Wataru Aoki

Evaluation of a library of loxP variants with a wide range of recombination efficiencies by Cre

PLOS One 7(10): e0276657 (2022)

Yuji Yamauchi, Hidenori Matsukura, Yusuke Shuto, Keisuke Motone, Tetsuya Kadonosono,

Naoki Honda, Kenji Sugase, Mitsuyoshi Ueda, Wataru Aoki

Development of a novel sparse labeling method by machine learning-guided engineering of Crelox recombination

In preparation

Chapter III

Shunsuke Aburaya, Yuji Yamauchi, Takashi Hashimoto, Hiroyoshi Minakuchi, Wataru Aoki,

Mitsuyoshi Ueda

Neuronal subclass-selective proteomic analysis in Caenorhabditis elegans

Scientific Reports 10:13840 (2020)





