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Genomic and ecological studies on novel Arcobacter isolated from abalone

Mizutani Yukino 三重大学



Arcobacter, formerly classified as Campylobacter, is a member of the class Epsilonproteobacteria, as proposed by Vandamme et al. (1991). Some Arcobacter bacteria have shown pathogenicity to humans, and thus many studies have focused on livestock. Species isolated from pork, broiler carcasses, cattle, ducks, human stool, or porcine abortions (Figure 1) include: Arcobacter cryaerophilus (Neill et al. 1985), A. butzleri (Kiehlbauch et al. 1991 and Vandamme et al. 1992), A. skirrowii (Vandamme et al. 1992), A. cibarius (Houf et al. 2005), A. thereius (Houf et al. 2009), A. trophiarum (De Smet et al. 2011), A. defluvii (Collado et al. 2011), A. suis (Levican et al. 2013), A. cloacae (Levican et al. 2013), A. lanthieri (Whiteduck‐Léveillée et al. 2015), A. faecis (Whiteduck‐Léveillée et al. 2016), A. lacus (Pérez‐Cataluña et al. 2018b), and A. caeni (Pérez‐Cataluña et al. 2018b). Among them, A. butzleri, A. cryaerophilus, and A. skirrowii are considered to be of clinical interest because they are associated with gastrointestinal disease and bacteremia in humans, and with reproduction disorders, mastitis, and gastric ulcers in farm animals (Ho et al. 2006). Arcobacter thereius was also isolated from porcine abortions, but the pathological potential of this species is still unknown (Houf et al. 2009). In contrast, other species have not been directly associated with animal or human diseases.

Recently, Arcobacter spp. have also been isolated from marine environments, such as seawater and coastal sediments, and from marine invertebrates (Figure 1). To date, 18 Arcobacter species from a total of 29 have been isolated from marine environments (Table 1), suggesting that this environment may be one of the main habitats for this genus. Arcobacter are found in bivalves (Collado et al. 2009b, Laishram et al. 2016, Levican et al. 2014, Salas‐Massó et al. 2016). Romero et al. (2002) reported Arcobacter spp. are widespread in the Chilean oyster in their analysis using 16S rRNA‐RFLP. In addition to bivalves, it has been reported that Arcobacter spp. are found in European lobsters (Meziti et al. 2012) and abalone (Tanaka et al. 2004). These results suggest that Arcobacter spp. are widely distributed in marine invertebrates, and potentially indigenous bacteria may play some important role in the host. However, knowledge on the presence and diversity of Arcobacter associated with marine invertebrates including abalone is still lacking compared to pathogenic Arcobacter.

Therefore, at first, it was explored that the diversity and abundance of the genus Arcobacter in abalones, an important fishery resource inhabiting shallow water environments, in order to gain knowledge on Arcobacter spp. in coastal invertebrates. Also, isolation of Arcobacter strains was attempted using a newly established method and an already established one. Second, the genomic information of Arcobacter sp. LA11 isolated from abalones was analyzed to estimate the relationships between Arcobacter spp.


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