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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Stellar Stratifications on Classifying Spaces」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Stellar Stratifications on Classifying Spaces

Tamaki, Dai Tanaka, Lee Hiro 信州大学 DOI:10.1007/978-981-13-5742-8_15



We extend Björner’s characterization of the face poset of finite CW complexes to a certain class of stratified spaces, called cylindrically normal stellar complexes. As a direct consequence, we obtain a discrete analogue of cell decompositions in smooth Morse theory, by using the classifying space model introduced in [NTT]. As another application, we show that the exit-path category Exit(X), in the sense of [Lur], of a finite cylindrically normal CW stellar complex X is a quasi-category.


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