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マリア, ジャヌアリ, ピーター MARIA, JANUARY, PETER 九州大学



Perinereis nuntia is a fully segmented worm with complete intersegmental septa. A previous study of females revealed that germ cells of this animal originated in the tail end segment, called pygidium. In females, germ cells were duplicated in the pygidium, transferred to a newly generating segment and then settled in the parapodia. Within each segment, the settled germ cells proliferated in the parapodia and then migrated into a body cavity area to begin meiotic development. In respect to the above interesting findings, the present study aimed to describe germ cell development in male P. nuntia of which there were no information available until recently. In this study, I analyzed the male germ cell development by in situ hybridization with use of germ cell markers, Pn-piwi and Pn-vasa. The marker signals were first detected in the distal areas of the parapodia on both sides of each segment and formed a large germ cell cluster in each parapodium. The large germ cell cluster separated into smaller clusters and the small clusters migrated to the deeper body cavity area during growth by segment addition. Until the female germ cells began vitellogenesis, it was difficult to identify the sex of germ cells by morphological observations. This morphological similarity suggests that both male and female P. nuntia have the same mechanisms of germ cells provision to each segment in early developmental stages.

 The second study was conducted to examine the gamete releasing sites in fully segmented worm using the histological techniques. At first, spawning worms were observed closely to determine the area of gamete release. Mature gametes were released from the posterior body region in both males and females. The intersegmental septa between all segments were broken during the characteristic swimming of animals before spawning. The breakage of septa and serpentine swimming allowed gametes to move forward the posterior region. During spawning, sperms were released by splitting/opening of nephridipores at 2nd through 15th segments from the pygidium, while eggs were released through ruptures of skin of 2 – 3 segments between 10th and 30th segments from the tail. Currently, the physiological mechanisms involved in determining the position and constructing gamete releasing sites in fully segmented worm are still unknown. The new findings in this study will provide P. nuntia as the good experimental animal for further research.



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