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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Improved Swarm Intelligent Optimization Based on Immunological and Evolutionary Algorithms」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Improved Swarm Intelligent Optimization Based on Immunological and Evolutionary Algorithms

楊 玉 富山大学



In this thesis, I studied several advanced immunological and evolutionary algorithms, and their applications on optimization problems. The work of this thesis can be summarized as in the following.

First and foremost, an improved quantum immunological algorithm for optimiza- tion is presented. Clonal selection mechanism, the theoretical foundation of clonal selection algorithm (CSA) and its variants, was proposed for explaining the essential features of adaptive immune responses: adequate diversity, discrimination of self and non-self, and sustaining immunologic memory. On the basis of the clonal selection theory, only the high affinity immune cells are chosen to proliferate. Those cells with low affinity must be efficiently eliminated. However, the ability of receptor editing to salvage from deletion low affinity immune cells via changing their receptor specifici- ty realized the clonal selection process anew. By combining clonal selection theory and receptor editing, a complete receptor editing operation based quantum clonal selection algorithm is proposed for traveling salesman problem and holes machining path planning problem. Two receptor editing operators (inversion and deletion) work together to improve the performance of CSA. Furthermore, in order to overcome the drawback of asexual proliferation during the immune maturation process, a complete receptor editing operation based quantum interference crossover is used. The effec- tiveness of the improved algorithm is evaluated on optimization problems including traveling salesman problems and holes machining path planning. The experimental results are also compared with other clonal selection theory based methods.

Secondly, a novel clonal selection algorithm for resource scheduling optimization problem in cloud computing is introduced. Cloud computing, a computing paradigm that provides a variety of virtualized resources to end users in pay-as-you-go fashion over the internet, has attracted much attention during recent years. Meanwhile, re- sources scheduling becomes the primary problematic issue in cloud computing due to rapid growth of services, demand, and requirements. To handle this NP-complete resources scheduling problem, an improved Clonal Selection Algorithm (CSA) is pro- posed in this paper. An improvement operation with vaccine injection is designed to enhance the diversity of solutions. On the other hand, Gauss mutation is used to improve ability to escape from local optima. Moreover, the effects of the proposed algorithm are analyzed and evaluated by comparison with other resource scheduling methods by simulation toolkit - CloudSim. The comparative results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms these algorithms in terms of execution time.

Thirdly, a hybrid ant lion differential evolution for optimization is presented. Ant lion optimization algorithm (ALO) is a swarm-based metaheuristic for optimization inspired by the nature of ant lion hunting. One of the main step of hunting is the random walk of ants around the ant lion, which ensures ALO to possess a good local searching ability. Differential evolution (DE) is an evolutionary algorithm with a structure including mutation, crossover, and selection. The operations of DE are randomly executed which makes DE suffering from week exploiting ability. In this paper, a hybrid differential evolution based on the random walk of ants around the ant lion is presented, which combines the advantages of ant lion optimization algorithm and differential evolution, aiming to well balance the exploitation and exploration of the search. The hybrid algorithm is tested on CEC’17 benchmark suit and clustering problems. Experimental results verify the superiority of the proposed algorithm in comparison with other related algorithms.

Finally, a novel hypercube and spherical evolution for optimization is depicted. In recent two decades, nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithms have been paid more and more attention. Although many new algorithms have been proposed, there is no quintessential difference among classic metaheuristic algorithms. Therefore, some researchers have focused on the essence of search operators in these optimizers. Spher- ical Evolution (SE) is one of the recent studies on the search style in metaheuristic algorithms. Contrary to other algorithms, SE adopts a spherical search instead of a hypercube search. In this paper, we focus on the advantages of the two search styles, We propose a hybrid optimizer based on the two complementary search styles, and design a rule to control their utilization. Experimental results based on 30 bench- mark functions of CEC2017 show that the proposed optimizer outperforms other state-of-the-art algorithms in terms of effectiveness and robustness.


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