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Enhanced luminescence efficiency in Eu-doped GaN superlattice structures revealed by terahertz emission spectroscopy

Murakami, Fumikazu 大阪大学




Enhanced luminescence efficiency in Eu-doped GaN
superlattice structures revealed by terahertz
emission spectroscopy


Murakami, Fumikazu; Takeo, Atsushi; Mitchell,
Brandon et al.


Communications Materials. 2023, 4, p. 100

Version Type VoR

This article is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Osaka University Knowledge Archive : OUKA
Osaka University



Enhanced luminescence efficiency in Eu-doped
GaN superlattice structures revealed by terahertz
emission spectroscopy


Fumikazu Murakami
Masayoshi Tonouchi


Atsushi Takeo2, Brandon Mitchell


Volkmar Dierolf4, Yasufumi Fujiwara2 &

Eu-doped Gallium nitride (GaN) is a promising candidate for GaN-based red light-emitting
diodes, which are needed for future micro-display technologies. Introducing a superlattice
structure comprised of alternating undoped and Eu-doped GaN layers has been observed to
lead to an order-of-magnitude increase in output power; however, the underlying mechanism
remains unknown. Here, we explore the optical and electrical properties of these superlattice
structures utilizing terahertz emission spectroscopy. We find that ~0.1% Eu doping reduces
the bandgap of GaN by ~40 meV and increases the index of refraction by ~20%, which would
result in potential barriers and carrier confinement within a superlattice structure. To confirm
the presence of these potential barriers, we explored the temperature dependence of the
terahertz emission, which was used to estimate the barrier potentials. The result revealed
that even a dilutely doped superlattice structure induces significant confinement for carriers,
enhancing carrier recombination within the Eu-doped regions. Such an enhancement would
improve the external quantum efficiency in the Eu-doped devices. We argue that the benefits
of the superlattice structure are not limited to Eu-doped GaN, which provides a roadmap for
enhanced optoelectronic functionalities in all rare-earth-doped semiconductor systems.

1 Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University, 2-6 Yamada-oka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan. 2 Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, 2-1
Yamada-oka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan. 3 Department of Physics and Engineering, West Chester University, 700 South High Street, West Chester, PA
19383, USA. 4 Department of Physics, Lehigh University, 27 Memorial Dr W, Bethlehem, PA 18015, USA. ✉email: tonouchi.masayoshi.ile@osaka-u.ac.jp

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he ubiquity of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in our everyday life is undeniable, and micro-LEDs are now being
rapidly developed to usher in a new wave of display
technologies. One obstacle to realizing these technologies is the
lack of an efficient red LED based on GaN. Currently, most fullcolor LED displays are made by combining green and blue GaNbased LEDs with traditional red GaAs-based LEDs using the pickand-place technique1. A long-standing issue with fabricating
GaN-based red LEDs is the large Indium content required in the
InGaN layers, which introduces strain and reduces efficiency due
to the quantum-confined Stark effect and indium phase
separation2–6. For micro-LEDs in general, InGaN faces two
additional challenges associated with the reduction in device size:
a sharp decrease in external quantum efficiency (EQE) due to
leakage current at the device walls and significant blue shifts in
peak emission wavelength due to band-filling effects7. The leakage
current increases for smaller devices8,9, due to the non-radiative
recombination at the sidewalls of the micro-LED structures.
Despite these challenges, blue and green GaN-based micro-LEDs
with EQEs of 13% and 25%, respectively, for an active area of
1 µm2 were reported10,11. However, the EQE of red micro-LED
remains below 5% for active regions smaller than 100 µm211–14.
Once these challenges are overcome, micro-LEDs will facilitate
the development of innovative technologies such as augmented
reality and transparent displays15.
Eu-doped GaN-based LEDs represent an alternative path
towards full-color monolithic displays and offer favorable properties over InGaN LEDs, especially for micro-LED applications.
Figure 1 shows monolithically grown blue (InGaN) and red (Eudoped GaN) micro-LEDs with a 20 µm width. For Eu-doped GaN

Fig. 1 Monolithically grown two-color micro-LED. a Schematic for
monolithically grown blue (InGaN) and red (Eu-doped GaN) micro-LEDs.
b Prototype of a monolithically grown two-color micro-LED array with
20 µm wide pixels.

LEDs, the red emission at ~620 nm originates from intra-4f
transitions within the Eu3+ ions16. As with all rare earth (RE)
ions, Eu3+ ions exhibit sharp and spectrally stable emission
regardless of the host system or excitation conditions. Additionally, Eu-doped materials have been shown to be less influenced by non-radiative sidewall defects due to their short carrier
diffusion lengths17,18. They have also been used to realize
monolithically stacked full-color LEDs on a single chip19. These
properties make Eu-doped GaN a promising candidate for microLED applications.
The output power of Eu-doped GaN devices now exceeds
1.2 mW with EQEs as high as 9.2%. This was achieved using a
superlattice structure consisting of alternating GaN and Eu-doped
GaN layers, resulting in a 25-fold increase16,19. While this performance far exceeds that of devices grown using single active
layers of Eu-doped GaN, the exact origin of the increased output
power and EQE remains unknown16. Using atomic force and
transmission electron microscopy, it was shown that the size and
density of threading dislocations were significantly reduced in
superlattice samples, which would reduce leakage current and
could partially explain the improved electrical properties of the
superlattice structure20. In addition, these results also showed that
the lattice expanded within the Eu-doped layers relative to the
undoped layers. A similar enhancement in luminescence and
device performance was reported for superlattice devices consisting of alternating Si/Er-Si layers, which also outperformed
monolayer-based devices by over an order of magnitude, at
80 K21–25. In this case, the enhancement has simply been
explained as an increase in the efficiency of the energy transfer
between the host and the RE ions or the selective formation of
highly efficient defect centers26. However, there may be a deeper
underlying mechanism for this enhancement.
The origin of these enhancements may be related to reports in
other RE-doped semiconductor systems used for different
applications24,27–34. For example, the doping of RE ions, such as
Eu, Nd, Er, Tb, and Sm into semiconductor nanoparticles such as
TiO2 and ZnO has been used for nearly two decades to modify
the bandgap of the nanoparticles themselves, which makes the
host materials more suitable for certain applications, such as
photovoltaics27,28,30,31. Dopant concentrations typically exceed
2%; however, this behavior has also been observed for dilute
dopant levels of ~0.5%. Since the optical band gap and index of
refraction are related quantities35, it is not surprising that several
other groups have also reported an increase in the index of
refraction due to dilute doping25,36, which could be used to
fabricate integrated waveguides for telecommunication
applications36,37. However, there are no reports, to the best of our
knowledge, on the simultaneous measurement of bandgap and
index of refraction changes due to RE doping, or the use of
superlattice structures to enhance optoelectronic properties of
RE-based devices due to the carrier confinement and waveguiding
that should result. To this end, probing the carrier behavior in the
Eu-doped GaN superlattice structure is necessary to understand
the device performance and further optimize these devices.
Here, we employed terahertz (THz) emission spectroscopy
(TES) to study the dynamics of photoinduced carriers in the Eudoped superlattice structures as compared to single-layer Eudoped GaN samples. When photocarriers are excited in semiconductors by femtosecond (fs) optical pulses, they are accelerated by a built-in electric field. This acceleration generates THz
radiation that reflects the carrier movement within the first few
picoseconds after excitation. The waveforms and amplitudes can
provide physical information on a wide range of device materials
and structures, such as the semiquantitative estimation of semiconductor surface/interface potentials, in a non-contact and nondestructive manner38–41. This technique is particularly useful for

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Fig. 2 Structures for the samples studied in this work. a ud-GaN, (b) GaN:EuTDS, (c) GaN:Eulow,high, (d) superlattice. All structures were grown on the
low-temperature-grown (LT)-GaN, which were grown on c-plain sapphire substrates.

wide bandgap semiconductor evaluation as it allows for the direct
measurement of the material’s bandgap41,42. In many cases,
measuring the bandgap energy using room-temperature photoluminescence (PL) is difficult in semiconductors with a high
concentration of impurities or dopants. However, TES solely
results from excitation to the conduction band and is not influenced by impurity levels and provides a new platform to discuss
the ultrafast photocarrier dynamics of wide bandgap
semiconductors43–47. ...









where α and β are fitting parameters related to the impurity

scattering at low temperatures and the lattice scattering at high

temperatures, respectively. The values of μmin ; μmax and N g;i are

estimated from the carrier density dependence of the mobility in

bulk GaN, reported in ref. 63, and N is the carrier density. In our

calculations, we used μEu ð300Þ ¼ 53cm2 V1 s1 for the mobility

in Eu-doped GaN as reported in ref. 17. We also used the previously determined free carrier density was for GaN:Euhigh,

N  6 ´ 1017 cm3 . By fitting the temperature dependent THz

amplitudes in Fig. 4 with Eq. (5), we obtained

α  0:2 ± 0:2; β  5:3 ± 0:2. The value of α has a large relative

error; however, since the contribution of the impurity scattering is

significantly less in the measured temperature range, the exact

value for α should have a negligible impact on the results63.

Using these parameters for GaN:Euhigh, we can now evaluate

the impact of the superlattice structure on the carrier mobility

between the doped and undoped layers and determine the barrier

potential for the electrons within this structure by using a

mobility model that takes into account the barrier height,

reported in ref. 62. Although this model includes some transport

processes, the mobility due to the thermal emission process, μth ,

should be dominant in superlattice structure due to the 10 nm

thick barrier layers62. With these considerations, the THz

emission amplitude within the superlattice structure can be

described as:

μ ðT Þ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi


8m3D qV b exp  b ;

ETHz ðT Þ / μth ðT Þ / 1 þ 3D


kB T






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researchers. Would this research have been severely restricted or prohibited in the setting of

the researchers? If yes, please provide details on specific exceptions granted for this research

in agreement with local stakeholders. No. Where appropriate, has the study been approved

by a local ethics review committee? If not, please explain the reasons. The research is not

locally relevant. Where animal welfare regulations, environmental protection and bioriskrelated regulations in the local research setting were insufficient compared to the setting of

the researchers, please describe if research was undertaken to the higher standards. The

research does not relate to them. Does the research result in stigmatization, incrimination,

discrimination or otherwise personal risk to participants? If yes, describe provisions to

ensure safety and well- being of participants. No. If research involves health, safety, security

or other risk to researchers, describe any risk management plans undertaken. There is no

risk. Have any benefit sharing measures been discussed in case biological materials, cultural

artefacts or associated traditional knowledge has been transferred out of the country? N/A

Please indicate if you have taken local and regional research relevant to your study into

account in citations. The research is not locally relevant.

Additional information

Supplementary information The online version contains supplementary material

available at https://doi.org/10.1038/s43246-023-00428-6.

Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to Masayoshi Tonouchi.

Peer review information Communications Materials thanks the anonymous reviewers

for their contribution to the peer review of this work. Primary Handling Editors: KlaasJan Tielrooij and Aldo Isidori. Peer reviewer reports are available.

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M.T. acknowledges support in part by JSPS KAKENHI Grant No. JP 23H00184, and JST,

CREST Grant Number JPMJCR22O2, Japan. F.M. acknowledges support in part by

Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows, JST and Program for Leading Graduate schools: “Interactive Materials Science Cadet Program”. F.M. and A.T. acknowledge support in part by

the establishment of university fellowships towards the creation of science technology

innovation, Grant No. JPMJFS2125. B.M. and V.D. acknowledge support in part by NSF

RUI Award No. 2129183. Y.F. acknowledges support in part by JSPS KAKENHI Grant

No.JP18H05212, No.JP23H00185 and No.JP23H05449, Japan.

Author contributions

F.M. and B.M. conceived the idea and proposed the research. F.M. performed THz

emission measurements. F.M., A.T. and M.T. performed data analyses with support from

B.M., V.D. and Y.F. F.M. wrote the original draft of the manuscript, B.T., V.D. and M.T.

reviewed and edited, and all authors contributed feedback and comments. M.T. directed

and supervised the research.


Competing interests

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© The Author(s) 2023

COMMUNICATIONS MATERIALS | (2023)4:100 | https://doi.org/10.1038/s43246-023-00428-6 | www.nature.com/commsmat




