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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Area Management Based on Human Behavior Analysis Focusing on Emotional Information」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Area Management Based on Human Behavior Analysis Focusing on Emotional Information

Ieiri Yuya 早稲田大学



Emotional information, human sensibilities and emotions, are strongly re- lated to human behavior. Additionally, the information can be used to improve human experience. Therefore, it can be applied to support the development of products, services, and systems, as well as other facets of our environment. This thesis focuses on applying emotional information to area management to revitalize local businesses and communities. An “area” may be defined as a space where people live and work, and it shares a robust relationship with the people that inhabit it. This study explores the use of emotional information in area management, which has been identified as an under-researched area.

This thesis focused on area management undertaken to improve the attrac- tiveness of existing local resources and creating novel attributes within the area. Specifically, in order to extract the emotional information of locals concerning these attractions, commercial areas and tourist destinations were concentrated on. Focusing on these areas is important because it can revitalize the local economy and enhance the satisfaction of visitors.

This study aimed to develop and verify the area management approach based on human behavior analysis focusing on emotional information. To execute the proposed area management methodology, area management was attempted by predicting human behavior and designing the area mechanism. The proposed area management methodology was broadly divided into two steps. First, guide- lines were established to confirm that the targeted area management was indeed possible by designing the area mechanism. Second, the area mechanism was de- signed to realize the area management.

Unlike conventional area management approaches, the proposed area manage- ment approach in this thesis designed the area mechanism and directed human behavior rather than designing the area itself. Hence, this approach is expected to create a new attractiveness and reduce the burden on these areas.

In this thesis, the proposed area management approach was applied to a commercial area and a tourist destination.

The shopping streets near Waseda University were selected as the commercial area. By designing a rewards system and directing consumer behavior, lead- ing the customers into stores that were attractive but unknown to them was attempted. Focusing on loyalty programs in commercial areas, the rewards sys- tem could change consumer behavior. Thus, an experiment was conducted in the commercial area using the walk rally application called MachiNavi, which were developed in this study, and consumer behavior log data were collected. Using the collected log data, an analysis focusing on the emotional information about how attracted consumers were to the stores was conducted. This analysis showed that the rewards system was effective in changing consumer behavior. Moreover, based on the information, a consumer behavior model was built. The consumer behavior model was verified by comparing the actual consumer be- havior log data with the simulation results. Furthermore, to direct consumer behavior, what kind of rewards system is necessary, and how it must be designed were examined. Through the above process, it was clarified that the rewards system is effective for commercial area management.

Applying the proposed area management approach to the commercial area exhibited its effectiveness. Focusing on a loyalty program by using a common rewards system for all the stores located in the commercial area, the kind of rewards system that should be introduced to design the area mechanism and control consumer behavior to realize commercial area management was exam- ined. In the proposed area management approach, by analyzing consumer be- havior log data based on consumer emotional information, it was shown that the rewards system is effective in altering consumer behavior in the commercial area. Furthermore, the problems in the rewards system based on the amount of discounts were clarified. Then, by comparing the simulation results of the proposed consumer behavior model with the actual consumer behavior log data, it was shown that the consumer behavior model was valid for commercial areas where the rewards system had not been applied and for commercial areas where the rewards system, based on the rate of discount, had been applied. Moreover, it was revealed that, to encourage guidance to the stores that were attractive but unknown to people and improve the attraction of individual stores, introducing the rewards system based on the rate of discount and designing incentives based on the proposed consumer behavior model were required.

Kyoto city was chosen as the target area to represent a tourist destination in this study. Thereafter, the possibility of excavating novel, potential sightseeing resources in a tourist destination was examined by designing tourist routes and controlling the behavior of tourists. Emotional information about how attracted tourists felt to sightseeing resources was regarded as a time-series change in the degree of excitement called catharsis curves. Tourist behavior log data collected by an experiment using MachiNavi were analyzed by focusing on the structure of catharsis curves. This analysis revealed that new, potential sightseeing resources could be discovered by considering the mutual influence of different resources. Additionally, to create such new, potential sightseeing resources by designing tourist routes, curves showing time-series changes in the degree of excitement of specific tourists, defined as Individual Excitement Level (IEL) curves, were constructed along with a method of quantifying these IEL curves. In addition, the IEL curves obtained by the quantification method were compared with the quantitative data of the IEL curves drawn by the tourists themselves. In this way, the validity of the quantification method was verified. This highlights the possibility of tourist destination management that designs tourist routes, controls the behavior of tourists based on the quantified time-series changes in their degree of excitement, and creates novel, potential sightseeing resources.

In addition, the effectiveness of the proposed area management approach was considered by integratedly discussing the results of the proposed area manage- ment approach applications in the commercial area and the tourist destination. As a result, it was shown that the proposed area management approach was effective in creating a new attractiveness in the area. Besides, in the proposed area management approach, it was confirmed that it is important to analyze human behavior log data and establish guidelines for designing the area mecha- nism. Moreover, it was shown that the proposed area management approach, by designing the area mechanism and controlling the human behavior, is effective.

In this thesis, the effectiveness of the area management approach based on human behavior analysis focusing on emotional information was shown. How- ever, the practice of area management based on this proposed area management approach has not reached its full potential. Therefore, verification by conduct- ing empirical experiments in the real world, based on the results of the proposed area management approach, is required. In addition, the discussion on the effec- tiveness of the proposed area management approach is limited to the results of its applications to the commercial area and the tourist destination. To exhibit the effectiveness more clearly and to construct a methodology of area manage- ment based on human behavior analysis focusing on emotional information, it is necessary that the proposed area management approach will be applied to various areas. It is expected that the proposed area management approach can be applied to residential, urban, and rural areas in diverse countries.


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