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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「β-catenin-promoted cholesterol metabolism protects against cellular senescence in naked mole-rat cells」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




β-catenin-promoted cholesterol metabolism protects against cellular senescence in naked mole-rat cells

Chee, Woei-Yaw 大阪大学 DOI:10.18910/82032



Naked Mole-rat (NMR) is an extraordinary mammal with an insect's social life, the cold-bloodedness of a reptile, and the metabolism of a plant. With a lifespan of 30 years, their peculiar traits have evolved millions of years to make them uniquely suited to survive the harsh condition, exceptionally long without oxygen. Even with its extreme longevity, NMRs are remarkably cancer-resistant, with no cancer cases formally described in this species in the wild. Therefore, to uncover the long lifespan and anti-cancer mechanism of NMR, we have started comparative analyses of the oncogenic signalling between NMR Skin fibroblasts (NSF) and the mouse cell lines (MSF and NIH3T3), which revealed that NMR has unique features in Wnt/ β -catenin signalling. The basal β -catenin (oncoprotein) expression level is remarkably high in NMR when compared to mouse cells. Yet, the growth rate of NSF is prolonged. In addition, dual-luciferase reporter assay corroborated that NSF transfected with TCF/LEF reporter vector has high β-catenin activity. When proceeding with β-catenin downregulation, a decreased growth rate accompanied by an enhanced senescence mechanism is observed in NSF, suggesting that β-catenin still plays a regular role in proliferation. Another interesting finding showed that the unknown microbodies were abolished in β-catenin-knockdown NSF using confocal microscopy. Thus, we used a broad range of methods such as a mitochondrion-selective probe, DAB staining, and Oil Red O staining to determine the NSF's microbodies' true nature. Critically, we identified lipid droplets as potential candidates associated with β-catenin abundance. We also found that NMR fibroblast contains a significantly high cholesterol level, suggesting that lipid droplet accumulation might be caused by the unique cholesterol synthesis pathway regulated by high β-catenin level in NMR. Further experiments revealed perturbation of the cholesterol synthesis pathway using statin or β -catenin knockdown altogether abolish the lipid droplets formation and lead to enhanced senescence in NSF.
Furthermore, RNA-seq analysis in NMR cells revealed that β-catenin knockdown perturbed the expression of multiple genes in cholesterol metabolism. Specifically, genetic ablation of apolipoprotein F suppressed lipid droplet accumulation and promoted cellular senescence, indicating that apolipoprotein F is a critical mediator of the β-catenin signalling on NMR cells. We thus suggest that increased β-catenin activity evolved in NMR to offset senescence via the accumulation of cholesterol-enriched lipid droplets. These findings indicate that β-catenin induced accumulation of cholesterol is crucial for protecting NMR cells from cellular senescence. Hence the anti-senescent effects of the β-catenin signalling reveal new strategies for longevity on NMRs.



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