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Ito, Asuka 神戸大学



In this thesis, we propose a novel method for detecting gravitational waves around GHz range with magnons. The magnons as corrective spin excitations have been studied exten- sively in the field of the cavity quantum electrodynamics both in theory and experiment. We investigate the possibility to use magnons for detecting gravitational waves. It is shown that gravitational waves can excite magnons. Therefore, gravitational waves can be probed by measuring resonance fluorescence of magnons. Moreover, in the process of deriving the interactions between gravitational waves and magnons, we reveal all possible gravitational effects on a non-relativistic fermion with a mass m in Fermi normal coordinates up to order of 1/m. Finally, we give experimental upper limits on the amplitude of continuous gravitational waves around GHz range by utilizing the experimental results of resonance fluorescence of magnons. In terms of the spectral density of gravitational waves, the upper limits at 95% C.L. are given by 7.5 × 10−19 [Hz−1/2] at 14 GHz and 8.7 × 10−18 [Hz−1/2] at 8.2 GHz, respectively.


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