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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Seasonal Land Use Planning and Evaluation System for Food Nutrition Security Using Fuzzy Expert System, GIS, and Satellite Remote Sensing」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Seasonal Land Use Planning and Evaluation System for Food Nutrition Security Using Fuzzy Expert System, GIS, and Satellite Remote Sensing

MOSTAFIZ, RUBAIYA BINTE 筑波大学 DOI:10.15068/0002002142



Diet, nourishment and health are all intertwined. Food accessibility does not guarantee the consumption of a well- balanced food intake; a well-balanced diet is dependent on optimal consumption, purchasing power and local food customs. Local dietary habits are often influenced by agricultural practices. For this reason, the goal of this study is to create a seasonal land-use planning model combining varied crops for food nutrition security to assure a balanced caloric demand. The model is based on a fuzzy expert system. Furthermore, the findings were analyzed using a simple land fertility evaluation, based on satellite remote sensing-derived soil-vegetation indices. Satellite remote sensing technologies offer a significant potential for assessing land conditions and facilitating efficient agricultural planning. In this research, a multicriteria decision-making study was performed, as well as a multicrop land planning design was created using a geographic information system and fuzzy membership functions. Furthermore, vegetation index data were gathered in accordance with the seasonal crop cycle. To undertake spatial analysis, the environmental variables and restrictions were created in ArcGIS 10.4®. To select the best sites for agricultural production, a fuzzy expert system was used. The findings of the seasonal agricultural suitability evaluation were validated using data obtained from the Bangladesh Survey. The investigation found that 42 percent (3469 km2) of the overall land was ideal for vegetable growth during the Kharif-1 season, while 55 percent (4543 km2) was appropriate during the Kharif-2 season. Whereas current practices utilized just 12 percent and 18 percent of the area for vegetable production in the Kharif-1 and Kharif-2 seasons respectively, which is less than the regional requirement. In addition, during the Rabi season, the most suitable zones for cereals, vegetables, pulses, oilseeds and potatoes were reported as 35 percent (2891 km²), 19 percent (1569 km²), 15 percent (1239 km²), 10 percent (826 km²) and 21 percent (1734 km²) of the total land area respectively. Moreover, the land areas suitable for farming pulses and oilseeds were found to be 15 percent (1239 km²) and 10 percent (826 km²) respectively. When applying the fuzzy membership function for remote sensing-based land fertility evaluation, expert knowledge was also used, along with references and field data; as a result, 48 percent of the land (2045 km2) was identified as being highly fertile; 39 percent of the land (2045 km2) was identified as being moderately suitable and 7 percent of the land (298 km2) was identified as being marginally fertile. Additionally, 6 percent (256 km2) of the land was described as not fertile. The yield estimation using SAVI (R2 = 77.3%), ARVI (R2=68.9%), SARVI (R2=71.1%), MSAVI (R2=74.5%) and OSAVI (R2=81.2%) showed a good predictive ability. Furthermore, the combined model that used these five indices had the best accuracy (R2 = 0.839); this model was then used to create yield forecast maps for the respective years (2017-2020). This study reveals that using satellite remote sensing methodologies in GIS platforms is an efficient and simple technique for farmed land-use designers and policymakers to identify fertile cultivable land area with the prospective for improved farmed production. Additionally, using solely distant satellite datasets to determine acceptable land conditions was a cause of worry, adding a new dimension to land fertility evaluation. The integrated model provided herein may be used to manage land allocation for varied crop production, providing policymakers with additional decision-making information to achieve regional food nutrition security in the target area along with neighboring South Asian nations.



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