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X-ray Selected Narrow-Line Active Galactic Nuclei in the COSMOS Field: Nature of Optically Dull Active Galactic Nuclei

Itsna Khoirul Fitriana 東北大学



X-ray emission detection in a galaxy is one of the efficient tools for selecting Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs). However, many X-ray-selected AGNs are not easily selected as AGNs by their optical emission. These galaxies, so-called optically dull (OD) AGNs, are fascinating since their X-ray emission is bright even though the AGN signature in the optical regime is absent. In a deep multiwavelength survey over 2 deg2 of Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS) field, we have looked for the OD AGNs using photometric, spectroscopic, and X-ray data. We identified 407 non-broad line sources as AGNs using X-ray selection up to redshift of z ∼ 1.5. However, we only continue with 310 sources to be further inspected in the optical spectrum. We inspected the spectra to check for any AGN signature in their optical emission lines: [Ne V] forbidden emission line, Mass Excitation diagram (MEx), color excitation diagram (TBT), and excess in [O II] emission line. Finally,we found 48 AGNs show AGN signatures in optical spectrum classified as NL AGN and 180 AGNs that did not show any AGN signature as OD AGN sample. The simple explanation of OD AGN’s nature is due to a bright host galaxy that dilutes the AGN light or due to dust materials obscuring the AGN light. We found that the bright host galaxy dilution explains nearly 70% of our OD AGN sample. At the same time, the dust material obscuration is unlikely for the main reason. By estimating the Eddington ratio, we also found that 95/180 of our OD AGNs have a lower accretion rate of (λEdd) ≲ 10−2 than the typical AGN value. We expected the lower accretion rate sources that suffer from neither host galaxy dilution nor obscuration to have Radiatively Inefficient Flow (RIAF) in their accretion disk. Finally, nine sources have been identified to be most likely host the RIAF disk.



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