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Tolerance and Acclimation of the Leaves of Nine Urban Tree Species to High Temperatures

Okubo, Nao Inoue, Sumihiro Ishii, H. Roaki 神戸大学



To prepare and manage urban greenspace for a hotter future, we must select trees that can tolerate or acclimate to high temperatures. Here, we compared tolerance and acclimation to high temperatures among nine urban tree species in Japan. Saplings were exposed to heat from different times (early and mid-summer) during the growing season in a greenhouse. With the exception of Ginko, heating in early summer did not affect whole-tree health, suggesting that most urban tree species may be able to acclimate to higher temperatures during the early growing season. However, continued exposure to higher temperatures, as well as heating from mid-summer, had negative effects on tree health, leading to wilting/browning, especially for evergreen broadleaved species whose leaves mature slowly. Cornus florida, Styrax japonicus and Morella rubra were the most vulnerable to heating, such that all heated saplings had died by the end of summer. At the leaf level, leaf maturation of the deciduous species and Morella was negatively affected by heating, whereas that of Eurya emarginata and Euonymus japonicas were not affected. These two species also showed heat tolerance, having a higher T₅₀ (temperature where leaf quantum yield declined to 50% of maximum value due to heat stress) compared to other species, as well as heat acclimation, where T₅₀ was higher for the heated saplings compared to the control. Our results indicate that, while some species that cannot recover from heat damage in early summer could die, others can acclimate to sustained high temperatures, as well as to late summer heat. As heatwaves are expected to become more frequent and severe due to global warming, tree species need to be screened individually to assess their ability to tolerate or acclimate to high temperature.












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