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Morphological studies on lymphoid tissues locally formed in the ductal organs of animals

Chuluunbaatar, Tsolmon 北海道大学



MALT is a local immune system beneath the mucosal epithelium 59,69). MALTs are located in systemic
organs that directly contact the outer environment, including alimentary tracts, salivary gland ducts,
conjunctiva, nasopharynx, and respiratory tracts 32,59,62,66,67,85,88,106). GALT is a well-known MALT and also
known as Peyer’s patches 32). In the oropharynx, there are ring-shaped localized MALTs, including the lingual,
palatine, and pharyngeal areas and the tubal tonsils 43). Waldeyer’s pharyngeal ring is the sentinel for the oral,
nasal, and auditory tracts toward to the pharynx and basically functions in antibody production to protect
against regular environmental antigens 73,80).
MALTs mainly consist of LTs with two types of morphology. Briefly, the lamina propria of several
MALT-forming organs exhibit diffused arrangement of immune cells, and this type is called diffuse lymphoid
tissue (DLT). However, in several MALTs, the accumulation of immune cells is separated by connective
tissue from surrounding tissues, and these are called LNs 128). Furthermore, the MALT is composed of B cells,
CD4+, or CD8+ T cells, APCs, macrophages, and occasionally, mast cells and eosinophils. Each cell is wellsituated to initiate an immune reaction when encountering antigens passing through the mucosal epithelium
21). ...




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