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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Measurement of 8B Solar Neutrinos above 2 MeV Threshold Using Novel Background Reducion in KamLAND」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Measurement of 8B Solar Neutrinos above 2 MeV Threshold Using Novel Background Reducion in KamLAND

Hachiya Takahiko 東北大学



Since its the first real-time measurement by Kamiokande in 1989 through the electron scat- tering (ES), the 8B solar neutrino has been studied to understand the neutrino oscillation. Based on the LMA-MSW solution which was determined by the reactor νe measurement, the survival probability of νe on the earth (Pee) is expected to increase towards lower Eν from 30% (Eν~10 MeV, the matter effect dominant) to 50% (Eν < 1 MeV, the vacuum oscillation dominant). To observe this upturn behavior, neutrino experiments have been lowering their detection thresholds. The current lowest thresholds are, in the recoil-electron kinetic energy (Ekin), 3.5 MeV for water cherenkov (WC) detectors (SK and SNO) and 3 MeV for a liquid scintillator (LS) detector (Borexino). The backgrounds which limit the thresholds are the Rn descendant in the water for WC detectors and γ-rays from detector components like photo-detectors for Borexino. KamLAND, which is a larger LS detector than Borexino, can suppress the γ-ray BGs by the self-shielding. Thus, if other BGs are sufficiently reduced, it can detect 8B solar ν events below 3 MeV.

In this study, with the introduction of the new BG reduction methods, n-tag and shower-tag for muon-spallation products and Day-scale tag and BiTl tag for 208Tl, the sensitivity to single events above 2 MeV energy in KamLAND has significantly improved. It resulted the first measurement of 8B solar ν ES signals at 2–3 MeV (Ekin) region at 3.4σ level. The observed rate was 0.62+0.21 of the unoscillated model expectation, which is consistent with the LMA-MSW. An analysis with the entire energy spectrum lowered the allowance of the flat Pee model from 84% (SK+SNO) to 64% (SK+SNO+KamLAND).


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