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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Variations in Grain Traits among Local Rice Varieties Collected More Than Half-Century Ago in Indochinese Countries」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Variations in Grain Traits among Local Rice Varieties Collected More Than Half-Century Ago in Indochinese Countries

Lim, Sathya Onoda, Anna Orn, Chhourn Iwamoto, Hiromu Ishikawa, Ryo Saito, Hiroki Sato, Yutaka Ishii, Takashige 神戸大学



More than half-century ago, local rice varieties were collected from Indochinese countries (Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam). Of these, 162 local varieties were examined for 7 grain-size traits: seed length/width/thickness, brown rice length/width/thickness, and 100-seed weight. Since these traits varied considerably, a survey of functional mutations was performed in the genes related to these traits. In total, 19 markers (12 InDel and 7 dCAPS markers) were used to investigate the mutations at 14 grain-size loci of GW2, GS2, qLGY3, GS3, GL3.1, TGW3, GS5, GW5, GS6, TGW6, GW6a, GLW7, GL7, and GW8. Significant allele effects were observed with six markers detecting base substitution mutations at GW2 and GS3 and insertion/deletion mutations at GS5, GW5, and GW6a, suggesting that these mutations might have affected the grain trait and caused variation among local varieties in the Indochinese countries. In addition to grain size, the hull color, grain color, and glutinosity were also examined using a survey of loss-of-function mutations at major responsible loci. Most phenotypes were reflected based on functional mutations at these loci. Since the local varieties have wide genetic variation, they are important genetic resources for future rice breeding.


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