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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Representation of Geometric Objects by Path Integrals」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Representation of Geometric Objects by Path Integrals

桑田, 健 北海道大学



In this thesis, we study two problems by using physical models with supersymmetry and their path integral. Since this thesis deals with these topics from a common perspective, but in different ways, we have divided this thesis into two parts. One is deriving fixed-point theorem using path integral [25]. The other is the Euler number and Mathai-Quillen formalism in the Grassmann manifold [20]. This thesis is based on [20], [25] and [28].

In the part I, we derive the Bott residue formula by using the topological sigma model (A-model) that describes dynamics of maps from CP to a K¨ahler manifold M, with potential terms induced from a holomorphic vector field K on M [25]. The Bott residue formula represents the intersection number of Chern classes of holomorphic vector bundles on M as the sum of contributions from fixed point sets of K on M. Our strategy is to represent the integral of differential form on M by a correlation function and show that the correlation function is obtained by collecting contributions from the zero set of K. It is realized by showing the invariance of correlation function for the parameter of potential terms. As an effect of adding a potential term to the topological sigma model, we are forced to modify the BRST symmetry of the original topological sigma model.

In the part II, we provide a recipe for computing Euler number of Grassmann manifold G(k, N) by using Mathai-Quillen formalism [33] and Atiyah-Jeffrey construction [3]. Especially, we construct the path integral representation of Euler number of G(k, N) [20]. As a by-product, we construct free fermion realization of cohomology ring of G(k, N). It means that the cohomology ring of G(k, N) can be represented by fermionic fields that appear in our model. As an application, we calculate some integrals of cohomology classes by using fermion integrals [28]



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