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高尾, 直宏 TAKAO, Naohiro タカオ, ナオヒロ 九州大学



Kyushu University Institutional Repository

Association of second-hand smoke exposure,
quantified by salivary cotinine, with dental
caries in Japanese adolescents
高尾, 直宏

出版情報:Kyushu University, 2023, 博士(歯学), 課程博士
権利関係:Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives International


論 文 名



: Association of second-hand smoke exposure, quantified by salivary cotinine,
with dental caries in Japanese adolescents


Abstract Purpose: Second-hand smoke has adverse effects on oral health. This cohort study
used a multilevel approach to investigate the association of second-hand smoke exposure,
as determined by salivary cotinine level, with dental caries in adolescents. Methods: Data
from 75 adolescents aged 11 or 12 years and 2,061 teeth without dental caries were analyzed
in this study. Annual dental examinations to assess dental caries were conducted between
2018 and 2021. Salivary cotinine and Dentocult SM-Strip level were measured at baseline.
Information on the smoking habits of parents, snack frequency, regular dental visits, and
use of fluoride toothpaste was collected at baseline from parent-reported questionnaires.
Results: During the 3-year follow-up, dental caries was noted in 21 adolescents and 43 teeth.
Participants exposed to parental smoking had higher salivary cotinine levels than those
whose parents did not smoke. The multilevel Cox regression model showed that a high salivary
cotinine level was associated with the incidence of dental caries, after adjusting for
potential confounding factors (hazard ratio, 3.39; 95% confidence interval 1.08– 10.69).
Conclusion: This study suggests that the risk of dental caries is higher for adolescents
who have high salivary cotinine levels attributable to second-hand smoke exposure.


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