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Holographic moving mirrors

Akal, Ibrahim Kusuki, Yuya Shiba, Noburo Takayanagi, Tadashi Wei, Zixia 京都大学 DOI:10.1088/1361-6382/ac2c1b



Moving mirrors have been known as tractable setups modeling Hawking radiation from black holes. In this paper, motivated by recent developments regarding the black hole information problem, we present extensive studies of moving mirrors in conformal field theories by employing both field theoretic as well as holographic methods. Reviewing first the usual field theoretic formulation of moving mirrors, we construct their gravity dual by resorting to the AdS/BCFT construction. Based on our holographic formulation, we then calculate the time evolution of entanglement entropy in various moving mirror models. In doing so, we mainly focus on three different setups: escaping mirror, which models constant Hawking radiation emanating from an eternal black hole; kink mirror, which models an evaporating black hole formed from collapse; and the double escaping mirror, which models two constantly radiating eternal black holes. In particular, by computing the holographic entanglement entropy, we show that the kink mirror gives rise to an ideal Page curve. We also find that an interesting phase transition arises in the case of the double escaping mirror. Furthermore, we argue and provide evidence for an interpretation of moving mirrors in terms of two dimensional Liouville gravity. We also discuss the connection between quantum energy conditions and the time evolution of holographic entanglement entropy in moving mirror models.















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