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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Research on the Food Safety Situation of Online-to-Offline Food Delivery Industry in China」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Research on the Food Safety Situation of Online-to-Offline Food Delivery Industry in China




With the rapid growth of economy and fast innovation of internet technology, China has been enjoying a dramatic growth of e-commerce in the past few years. China’s e-commerce market size has become the biggest in the world with the total transaction volume of e-commerce reached 34.81 trillion yuan ($4.98 trillion) in 2019 and over 900 million online shoppers. Since 2012, the Online- to-offline (O2O) food market began to emerge in China, which provides consumers with more diversified choices regarding their everyday catering lives. However, due to the lack of awareness and imperfect regulation, the newly emerging industry has posed inevitable challenges and additional food safety risks to the whole of the food industry has had an asymmetric effect, within the O2O food delivery market, and may occur in all aspects of production, processing, packaging, circulation and consumption due to the virtual nature of network transactions. This research aims to provider us an overall picture of food safety in the O2O industry and to provide a reference for policy makers to regulate food safety in the future.

In addition to review the development of e-commence in China and explains how the O2O food delivery industry has developed. We then investigated delivery riders’ view towards food safety issues in the O2O food delivery industry and their perceptions toward hygiene status, business qualification, distribution processes and packaging materials in the industry. The results show that the main factors affecting food safety in the O2O food delivery industry from the riders’ perspective are raw materials and processing, packaging boxes made with inferior materials. Thirdly, we look at consumer’s perception of O2O food delivery industry under Covid-19 pandemic as online food service played a critical role for ensuring the food supply under the impact of the pandemic. Food safety issues has the highest concern for consumers.

There is still much room for improvement in the aspect of the strengthening of regulations and supervision by government in the O2O food delivery industry, not only to ensure the food safety, but also for the health and safety purpose of participants of this industry. Efforts such as control of the total number of orders dispatched to riders and explored the approaches by giving riders more choices to select or refuse orders without affecting future order allocation must be taken into considerations. At the same time, increasing investment in conducting more effective safety education courses for riders and promote industry guidelines are also urgently needed to clarity each participants’ rights and obligations. In addition to regulation and supervision from government and food delivery platforms, industry association and consumer association must also take part in ensuring the food safety in O2O food delivery industry.



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