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Characterization of a bloom-associated alphaproteobacterial lineage, ‘Candidatus Phycosocius’: insights into freshwater algal-bacterial interactions

Tanabe, Yuuhiko Yamaguchi, Haruyo Yoshida, Masaki Kai, Atsushi Okazaki, Yusuke 京都大学 DOI:10.1038/s43705-023-00228-6



Marine bacterial lineages associated with algal blooms, such as the Roseobacter clade, have been well characterized in ecological and genomic contexts, yet such lineages have rarely been explored in freshwater blooms. This study performed phenotypic and genomic analyses of an alphaproteobacterial lineage ‘Candidatus Phycosocius’ (denoted the CaP clade), one of the few lineages ubiquitously associated with freshwater algal blooms, and described a novel species: ‘Ca. Phycosocius spiralis.’ Phylogenomic analyses indicated that the CaP clade is a deeply branching lineage in the Caulobacterales. Pangenome analyses revealed characteristic features of the CaP clade: aerobic anoxygenic photosynthesis and essential vitamin B auxotrophy. Genome size varies widely among members of the CaP clade (2.5–3.7 Mb), likely a result of independent genome reductions at each lineage. This includes a loss of tight adherence pilus genes (tad) in ‘Ca. P. spiralis’ that may reflect its adoption of a unique spiral cell shape and corkscrew-like burrowing activity at the algal surface. Notably, quorum sensing (QS) proteins showed incongruent phylogenies, suggesting that horizontal transfers of QS genes and QS-involved interactions with specific algal partners might drive CaP clade diversification. This study elucidates the ecophysiology and evolution of proteobacteria associated with freshwater algal blooms.




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Iwane Suzuki and Makoto M. Watanabe for the use of their laboratory facilities. We

also thank Katherine Cook and David Hambright for providing the raw data of their

work on worldwide Microcystis blooms. This work is partly supported by Nextgeneration Energies for Tohoku recovery (NET) from Reconstruction Agency.


YT designed the research, YT performed isolation, culture, light microscopy, pigment,

whole genome, and bioinformatics analyses, HY performed NGS, MY and AK

performed electron microscopy, YO performed CARD-FISH and 16S amplicon

analyses, YT and YO wrote the paper. All authors read and approved the final



The authors declare no competing interests.


Supplementary information The online version contains supplementary material

available at https://doi.org/10.1038/s43705-023-00228-6.

Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to Yuuhiko Tanabe.

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We thank Nanda Kyaw Thu for the isolation of BOTRYCO-1, Mina Nomizu for the

guidance of TEM sample preparation, Masahiro Koide for taking video images, and

© The Author(s) 2023, corrected publication 2023

ISME Communications




