
リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「II. PUBLICATION LIST (APRIL 2022 - MARCH 2023)」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。








(APRIL 2022 – MARCH 2023)

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1. Slow Neutron Physics and Neutron Scattering
Local structure analysis of disordered materials via contrast variation in scanning transmission electron microscopy
Kimoto Koji, Shiga Motoki, Kohara Shinji, Kikkawa Jun, Cretu Ovidiu, Onodera Yohei, Ishizuka Kazuo
AIP Advances 12(9) (2022) 095219 (doi) 10.1063/5.0104798
A novel nuclear emulsion detector for measurement of quantum states of ultracold neutrons in the Earth’s gravitational
Muto N., Abele H., Ariga T., Bosina J., Hino M., Hirota K., Ichikawa G., Jenke T., Kawahara H., Kawasaki S.,
Kitaguchi M., Micko J., Mishima K., Naganawa N., Nakamura M., Roccia S., Sato O., Sedmik R.I.P., Seki Y., Shimizu
H.M., Tada S., Umemoto A.
Journal of Instrumentation 17(7) (2022) P07014 (doi) 10.1088/1748-0221/17/07/P07014
Microscopic observation of the effects of elongation on the polymer chain dynamics of crosslinked polybutadiene
using quasi-elastic γ-ray scattering
Mashita Ryo, Saito Makina, Yoda Yoshitaka, Kishimoto Hiroyuki, Seto Makoto, Kanaya Toshiji
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 29(5) (2022) 1180- 1186 (doi) 10.1107/S1600577522007998
Time-resolved resonant soft X-ray scattering combined with MHz synchrotron X-ray and laser pulses at the Photon
Fukaya Ryo, Adachi Jun-ichi, Nakao Hironori, Yamasaki Yuichi, Tabata Chihiro, Nozawa Shunsuke, Ichiyanagi
Kouhei, Ishii Yuta, Kimura Hiroyuki, Adachi Shin-ichi
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 29(6) (2022) 1414-1419 (doi) 10.1107/S1600577522008724
Rayleigh Scattering of Synchrotron Mössbauer Radiation Using a Variable Bandwidth Nuclear Bragg Monochromator
Mitsui Takaya, Masuda Ryo, Kitao Shinji, Kobayashi Yasuhiro, Seto Makoto
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 91(6) (2022) 64001 (doi) 10.7566/JPSJ.91.064001
Characterization of Precipitated Phase in Cu–Ni–Si Alloy by Small-Angle X-ray Scattering, Small Angle Neutron
Scattering and Atom Probe Tomography
Sasaki Hirokazu, Akiya Shunta, Oba Yojiro, Onuma Masato, Giddings A.D., Ohkubo Tadakatsu
MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS 63(10) (2022) 1384-1389 (doi) 10.2320/matertrans.MT-D2022003
Study on the reusability of fluorescent nuclear track detectors using optical bleaching
Muneem Abdul, Yoshida Junya, Ekawa Hiroyuki, Hino Masahiro, Hirota Katsuya, Ichikawa Go, Kasagi Ayumi,
Kitaguchi Masaaki, Kodaira Satoshi, Mishima Kenji, Nabi Jameel-Un, Nakagawa Manami, Sakashita Michio, Saito
Norihito, Saito Takehiko R., Wada Satoshi, Yasuda Nakahiro
Radiation Measurements 158 (2023) 106863 (doi) 10.1016/j.radmeas.2022.106863
Extracting time series matching a small-angle X-ray scattering profile from trajectories of molecular dynamics simulations
Shimizu Masahiro, Okuda Aya, Morishima Ken, Inoue Rintaro, Sato Nobuhiro, Yunoki Yasuhiro, Urade Reiko,
Sugiyama Masaaki
Scientific Reports 12(1) (2022) 9970 (doi) 10.1038/s41598-022-13982-9
Development of a program for MRI by means of beta-NMR method
T. Sugisaki, Y. Kimura, G. Takayama, M. Tanaka, Y. Mizoi, M. Mihara, M. Fukuda, Y. Otani, M. Fukutome, R.
Taguchi, T. Izumikawa, N. Noguchi, K. Takatsu, T. Ohtsubo, K. Matsuda, A. Kitagawa, S. Sato
Proceedings of the Specialists’ Meeting on "Nuclear Spectroscopy and Condensed Matter Physics Using ShortLived Nuclei Ⅷ" Online (Jan. 28, 2022) 45-49 (in Japanese)
Laser spectroscopy at KISS
Y. Hirayama, M. Mukai, Y.X. Watanabe, P. Schury, H. Choi, J.Y. Moon, T. Hashimoto, S. Iimura, M. Oyaizu, S.C.
Jeong, T. Niwase, M. Tajima, A. Taniguchi, M. Wada, H. Miyatake
Proceedings of the Specialists’ Meeting on "Nuclear Spectroscopy and Condensed Matter Physics Using ShortLived Nuclei Ⅷ" Online (Jan. 28, 2022) 40-44 (in Japanese)

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Structural Analysis of Additive in Lubricants by Means of Small Angle X-ray Scattering

Tomoko Hirayama, Sohei Nambo, Naoki Yamashita, Yoriyuki Takashima, Nobuhiro Sato, Masaaki Sugiyama

Proceedings of the 57th KURNS Scientific Meeting Online/Kumatori, Japan (Feb. 14-15, 2023) 17 (in Japanese)
2. Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Data

Reprint of The improvement of the energy resolution in epi-thermal neutron region of Bonner sphere using boric acid
water solution moderator
Ueda H., Tanaka H., Sakurai Y.
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 106 (2022) 107-110 (doi) 10.1016/j.apradiso.2015.10.010
Multibeam Laser Plasma Interaction at Gekko XII laser facility in conditions relevant for Direct-Drive Inertial
Confinement Fusion
Cristoforetti G., Koester P., Atzeni S., Batani D., Fujioka S., Hironaka Y., Hüller S., Idesaka T., Katagiri K., Kawasaki
K., Kodama R., Mancelli D., Nicolai Ph., Ozaki N., Schiavi A., Shigemori K., Takizawa R., Tamagawa T., Tanaka D.,
Tentori A., Umeda Y., Yogo A., Gizzi L.A.
High Power Laser Science and Engineering 11 (2023) e24 (doi) 10.1017/hpl.2023.13
Development of a water Cherenkov neutron detector for the active rotation method and demonstration of nuclear
material detection
Tanabe Kosuke, Komeda Masao, Toh Yosuke, Kitamura Yasunori, Misawa Tsuyoshi, Tsuchiya Ken’ichi, Akiba
Norimitsu, Kakuda Hidetoshi, Shibasaki Kazunari, Sagara Hiroshi
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 61(7) (2022) 1-13 (doi) 10.1080/00223131.2022.2143449
Spectroscopic and electric properties of the TaO+ molecule ion for the search of new physics: A platform for
identification and state control
Sunaga Ayaki, Fleig Timo
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 288 (2022) 108229 (doi) 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2022.108229
Measurement of neutron flux parameters for implementation of k0-INAA at Kyoto University Research Reactor
Soliman Mohamed, Abdou Fatma S., Ho Van-Doanh, Sekimoto Shun, Takamiya Koichi, Mohamed Nader M. A.,
Ohtsuki Tsutomu
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 331(9) (2022) 3949-3956 (doi) 10.1007/s10967-022-08391-1
In-gas-cell laser resonance ionization spectroscopy of Pt200, 201
Hirayama Y., Mukai M., Watanabe Y. X., Schury P., Nakada H., Moon J. Y., Hashimoto T., Iimura S., Jeong S. C.,
Rosenbusch M., Oyaizu M., Niwase T., Tajima M., Taniguchi A., Wada M., Miyatake H.
Physical Review C 106(3) (2022) 34326 (doi) 10.1103/PhysRevC.106.034326
Spin-charge coupling and decoupling in perovskite-type iron oxides (Sr1−xBax)2/3 La1/3FeO3
Onose M., Takahashi H., Saito T., Kamiyama T., Takahashi R., Wadati H., Kitao S., Seto M., Sagayama H., Yamasaki
Y., Sato T., Kagawa F., Ishiwata S.
Physical Review Materials 6(9) (2022) 94401 (doi) 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.6.094401
Mössbauer Spectroscopy for Supramolecular Bridging Cyanide Complexes
T. Kitazawa, K. Kitase, D. Ueda, D. Fujimoto, S. Arai, Y. Kobayashi, S. Kitao, T. Kubota, M. Seto
Proceedings of the Specialists’ Meeting on "Nuclear Spectroscopy and Condensed Matter Physics Using ShortLived Nuclei Ⅷ" Online (Jan. 28, 2022) 1-5 (in Japanese)

Discussion of spin bistability on Fe-Ag-type cyanobridged complex type using Mössbauer effect
K. Kitase, T. Kitazawa
Proceedings of the Specialists’ Meeting on "Nuclear Spectroscopy and Condensed Matter Physics Using ShortLived Nuclei Ⅷ" Online (Jan. 28, 2022) 22-26 (in Japanese)

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Gamma Ray Spectrum Measurement from Capture Reactions of Uranium-238 for Thermal and Resonance Energy Neutrons
Y. Nauchi, J. Hori, K. Terada, T. Sano
International conference on nuclear data (ND2022) Online (Jul. 21-29, 2022)
Local Structure of Cadmium Doped SrTiO3
S. Komatsuda, W. Sato, A. Taniguchi, M. Tanigaki, Y. Ohkubo
Proceedings of the Specialists’ Meeting on "Nuclear Spectroscopy and Condensed Matter Physics Using ShortLived Nuclei Ⅷ" Online (Jan. 28, 2022) 10-14 (in Japanese)
Present Status and Approach for Industrial Application of Various-Element Mossbauer Spectroscopy using KUR,
LINAC and Synchrotron Radiation
Shinji Kitao, Yasuhiro Kobayashi, Masayuki Kurokuzu, Makoto Seto, Hiroyuki Tajima, Hiroyuki Yamashita,
Hidetoshi Ota, Takumi Kubota, Ryo Masuda
Proceedings of the 57th KURNS Scientific Meeting Online/Kumatori, Japan (Feb. 14-15, 2023) 22 (in Japanese)
Present Status and Future Projects for Mössbauer Spectroscopy at Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Kyoto
S. Kitao, Y. Kobayashi, M. Kurokozu, T. Kubota, H. Tajima, T. Fujiwara, R. Masuda, M. Seto
Proceedings of the Specialists’ Meeting on "Nuclear Spectroscopy and Condensed Matter Physics Using ShortLived Nuclei Ⅷ" Online (Jan. 28, 2022) 6-9 (in Japanese)
Research on the chemical state of nitrogen in H2O byμ⁻SR and β-NMR spectroscopy
Y. Kimura, M. Mihara, K. Matsuta, M. Fukuda, R. Wakabayashi, Y. Otani, M. Fukutome, G. Takayama, T.
Minamisono, D. Nishimura, H. Takahashi, T. Izumikawa, T. Ohtsubo, N. Noguchi, M. Ogose, M. Sato, K. Takatsu, S.
Momota, A. Ozawa, T. Nagamoto, A. Kitagawa, S. Sato, M.K. Kubo, K. Shimomura, A. Koda, S. Takeshita
Proceedings of the Specialists’ Meeting on "Nuclear Spectroscopy and Condensed Matter Physics Using ShortLived Nuclei Ⅷ" Online (Jan. 28, 2022) 50-55 (in Japanese)
β-decay spectroscopy of rare fisson products with 4πclover detector using an Isotope Separator On-Line KUR-ISOLSearch for γ-rays in the decay of 155Pr
Y. Irie, S. Sakakibara, M. Shibata, A. Taniguchi
Proceedings of the Specialists’ Meeting on "Nuclear Spectroscopy and Condensed Matter Physics Using ShortLived Nuclei Ⅷ" Online (Jan. 28, 2022) 35-39 (in Japanese)
Development and application of the neutron standards
Matsumoto Tetsuro, Masuda Akihiko, Harano Hideki
Journal of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan 63(6) (2022) 480-484 (in Japanese) (doi)10.3327/jaesjb.63.6_480
Yield measurements for 86Kr + 198Pt at KISS
Y.X. Watanabe, Y. Hirayama, M. Mukai, T. Niwase, P. Schury, M. Rosenbusch, M. Wada, H. Miyatake, S.C. Jeong,
S. Iimura, M. Oyaizu, A. Taniguchi
RIKEN Accelerator Progress Repport 2021 55 (2022) 25
In-gas-cell laser ionization spectroscopy of 200gPt using MRTOF-MS at KISS
Y. Hirayama, M. Mukai, Y.X. Watanabe, P. Schury, J.Y. Moon, T. Hashimoto, S. Iimura, S.C. Jeong, M. Rosenbusch,
M. Oyaizu, T. Niwase, M. Tajima, A. Taniguchi, M. Wada, H. ...


